Chapter 15: The Wrath Of Mrs. Potter

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The three of us say in James' bedroom. Freshly cleaned and in new clothing. And we were also playing a fun game of the Blame Game.

"This is all your fault." I glared at Sirius. "If you hadn't gotten flour in my hair, none of this would have happened.

"Your the one that smashed a banana in his face." James defended."You could have been the bigger person and clean yourself up."

Sirius scoffed. "Bigger person? Your the one that made the food fight official by screaming this means war and lobbing a chunk of butter at me."

"You threw a piece of bread at me!" James defended.

"Sirius is the one that jumped away from tiny little sparks." I brought up.
"That's what stared this entire thing."

"James doesn't know how to turn on a simple muggle device. It's a Muggle machnie! Muggle's know how to use it!" Sirius threw his arms up in exasperation.

James rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault. Lots of wizards don't know how to use muggle things."

"But it's been in your house," I said again. "You've only lived in this house your entire life."

"I think all the fault falls on Sirius' shoulders. He's the one who suggested we should work together." James crossed his arms. "Any sane person would know how that would turn out."

I nodded in agreement. "I believe you are right. He was trying to be Remus. Nothing good ever comes out of trying to be Remus."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Excuse me for trying to stop a fight that was going to come at any minute."

"Excuse you," I smirked.

James snorted.

"Why are you laughing? You should have just made lunch, I made breakfast." I pointed out.

He glared at me. "You know I can't cook, I burn water!"

"It was a simple sandwich! Anyone can make it!" I threw my hands up.

Sirius sighed. "This is getting nowhere. I'm hungry and you two are still fighting."

"See!" I exclaimed, pointing a finger at him. "He's trying to be like Remus again. Somethings going to happen." I jumped up and hid behind James' dresser. I peaked up and stared at the two.

Someone cleared their throat at the door. We looked up and saw Remus holding a plate of sandwiches. Behind him was a very un-impressed Mrs. Potter.

I put the hood of my blue hoodie over my head. "Sirius is right, you three should not be fighting with eachother. You all are close enough to family." She spoke.

I frowned from my hiding place. "Actually, we have almost daily fights. We barely get along sometimes. And how are we supposed to over step our boundaries of getting along with one another? It's not fair. We will still challenge eachother, Sirius is annoying, and they still do idiotic things!"

At the last sentence, I glared at Sirius.

Mrs. Potter gave me a look of disproval. "That's not a very nice thing to say about Sirius. Family loves eachother no matter what."

James looked at her like she was a spider with cake for a cobweb. "How am I supposed to love her?! She's crazy! She tried to kill me with sugar!"

"In my defense, I was being attacked by butter." I defended, crossing my arms.

Mrs. Potter glared at her son, causing him to avoid eye contact. "You will love her because she is your friend, that's how you love her." She challenged him to go against her words. "Have I made myself clear?"
Her eyes flickered to us individually.

"Well," I started. "I don't really see how you could do that. It can't work."

She gave me a very un-Mrs. Potter
like smirk. "I can do it like this," She closed the door shut and the lock from the outside turned. Closing us in permanently. "You aren't coming out until you three learn to work things out."

I swiftly stood from my crouch behind the dresser. "You can't do this!" I yelled, pounding my fist on the wooden door. "I'm going to die in here!"

"I can, and I just did." Her musical laughter rand through the door. "Sorry, Remus dear, I'm afraid you'll have to stay in there too."

The sound of her retreating footsteps made me frown. "Great going," I glared at Sirius and James. "This is all your fault."

"Well, at least we have food." Sirius spoke hesitantly, gesturing to the door.

Remus stood at the door, looking very uncomfortable. He was holding a tray. A tray of ham and chicken sandwiches. The sandwich that started this whole thing.

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