"Your legs were fine before," Bakugou, pushing his way passed Yaoyorozu to stand in front of me, said. "What the hell is this for?"

He lightly kicked the wheel of my chair and I self consciously began to nip at my uniform sleeves with my fingers.

"My paralysis is temporary," I began as Iida set a hand on my shoulder. "This and my worsened eye sight are only severe side effects of overusing my quirks. I should be back on my feet in a day or so."

"That's a relief." Iida smiled, squeezing my shoulder.

Karafuru nodded from her kneeling position in front of my legs. "You're lucky you got away with temporary paralysis and crappy eyesight. You really shouldn't push yourself so hard, you could have died, Yuki."

"Seriously," Bakugou mumbled bitterly, slapping his hand onto the top of my head as he looked away from me. "Are you stupid or just that reckless?"

"You're one to talk." I bit back, swiping his hand away.

"He's right," Todoroki added, taking a step forward. "What you did may have been brave, but it was also stupid. You have to take your own life into account, too."

"Yeah!" Karafuru cried dramatically, face planting into my lap. "You're so selfless, it's painful."

"I would have died not only for All Might," I began, smiling weakly up to my classmates. "But I would have also risked everything for all of you. It's the least I could do..."

"What do you mean by that?" Karafuru prompted, popping back up from my lap to look at me.

"Alright," Hiroe, finally seeming to find her voice, said, waving her arms dismissively in the air. "Now is a good time to have you all congregate back to your seats to give Yuki some room, she has some explaining to do."

Exchanging glances, my classmates did as they were told. Taking a moment to situate me at the head of the room, Hiroe stood supportively beside me with one hand leaning against the handle of my wheelchair.

I smiled wearily again, and once I glanced in Iida's direction to see his supportive smile, I let out a calming breath before turning to the rest of class 1-A.

"I'm sure all of you heard why the League of Villains came to USJ," I began, taking my skirt by the rim nervously. "Not only to kill All Might, but to take me as well."

"I'm not entirely confident in my reasoning for them taking me, but what I theorized is that the villain, Nightmare - or as The League of Villains addressed her, Lady Hattori - wanted me to fully enhance her quirks ability's. What I mean by that is she wanted to steal my quirk."

"How's that even possible?" Kirishima spoke from his seat with a perched eyebrow.

"I was getting to that," I smiled gently. "I believe that it's only possible because of her - no - our quirks..."

"Dream Walker, right?" Midoriya clarified quietly and I nodded.

"Yes.. you see," I paused to tuck the silver strands that covered the right side of my face behind my ear, exposing my distorted eye. "Nightmare... well, she was my mother."

A collective gasp rang through the room and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"She wanted to steal my quirk," I repeated shakily, fixing my hair. "But... I was able to steal hers before she could... and in turn.. I killed her in the process."

The thick silence surrounding me forced me to open my eyes. I looked up, and seeing the wide eyes of my classmates made my heart sink to my stomach. I turned to Iida, who was staring right back at me with the same smile on his face.

"You did what you had to do," Bakugou shattered the silence as he kicked his legs up onto his desk. "I would've done the same thing, you can't expect me to just let myself die, do you?"

Blinking as everyone seemed to knock themselves out of their shocked dazes, quiet agreements began to filter through the room. The mere sound made a brief wave of relief cycle through me.

"Glad to see that you all agree," Hiroe grinned, setting both hands on her hips. "Now, Yuki has been having silly internal conflicts about everything that happened at USJ, and the agreement was that she was allowed to leave U.A. if you, her classmates - her friends - agreed that it was inappropriate if she continued to be enrolled."

The light chatter halted instantly at the proposal and everyone's eyes were on me again. Most looked baffled and shocked, while some (Bakugou and Kirishima) looked insanely p.o'ed at the mere idea.

As if on cue, Bakugou erupted from his seat, slapping his hands onto the surface of his desk. "You're kidding, right?"

"Yeah!" Karafuru got to her feet as well, balling her hands into fists in front of her chest. "U.A. wouldn't be the same without you, Yuki, you can't leave!"

At their outbursts, I sunk back into my wheelchair and averted my eyes toward Iida, who now looked lost in thought as he stared back at me. Biting the inside of my cheek, I forced my gaze up to Hiroe, who smiled cheekily as she sent a hand down to tousle my hair.

"See? I told you they'd understand." She boasted quietly.

"Ah, wait," Kirishima said suddenly, prompting the both of us to turn to him. "Miss, who are you, exactly? Mr Aizawa's stand in until he recovers?"

Cocking an eyebrow, Hiroe waved her hand in the air, "What? No! I'm just Yuki's chaperone until she can walk again, so I'll be gone soon."

"Do you know who the stand in'll be,then?" He asked another question, to which Hiroe shrugged.

"There won't be one." Aizawa's voice startled everyone into turning toward the now opened classroom door, where our teacher stood comically draped in bandages.

"Don't you think it's a little too soon for you to be back?" Hiroe asked, sending Aizawa a pointed look.

"No," he replied bluntly, seeming irked about something. "We have a new addition to class 1-A today."

"Really? Now of all times?" Hiroe prompted, shocked as she took my chair by the handles.

"You can thank All Might for," he turned his head toward the hall, supposedly looking at whoever the 'new addition' was supposed to be. "This, later."

Shrugging, Hiroe turned me and led me toward my desk, giving Aizawa his place at the head of the room again. Once I was fully situated in my seat, Aizawa cleared his throat from his place behind his desk.

"You can come in now."

At the invitation, my and everyone else's eyes shifted toward the doorway, where a girl - with two escorts holding either of her arms - came strutting in, a sickening grip plastered across her face.

My eyes widened at the sight, and despite the girl having her eyes covered by black-out goggles, I could tell she was looking specifically in my direction.

"Oh my," she began, giggling. "What an unfortunate turn of events."

An: sorry for the late/short/crappy chapter, I really didn't know how to go about this one, but I hope it turned out well to you guys anyway :')

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