Chapter Twenty-Three: Morgan's Vision

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Before I could process anything, I was now Morgan and she was me. I saw everything clear as day while she controlled my mind.

"This band sucks!" I yelled over the music.

Jenn laughed, "I know aren't they awesome?!"

"Seriously, Jenn. You have the worst taste in music!" I smiled at her.

Almost getting shoved into the ongoing moshpit, I grabbed her waist, "can we please go sit? I'm going to get slaughtered in this pit and I'm fairly convinced that bald guy is going to try and rip off my skirt and I really like this one!"

Jenn wrapped her arm around my waist and smiled, "let's go find the dudes. My head is spinning, I think I might be done for the night anyway."

We walked back over to the table and sat down. Jenn didn't look so good. She could always handle her own, but tonight, I was worried. Something wasn't right with her, but I wasn't quite sure what it was just yet. Only Liam was at our table, he probably had to pee really bad but didn't want to lose our sacred spot.

"Jenn, park it. Liam, go pee, I know you need too."

He smiled at me, "Thanks honey, how'd you guess?"

I gave him a peck on lips, "I know all."

He got up to leave and I ushered one of the waitresses to grab us a pitcher of water.

"You alright, doll? You don't look so good."

"I'm fine," she replied, slurring her words. She was looking too pale and my concern was starting to skyrocket.

"No, hon, you're not. Do you know where Erik is? I'll call us a cab and we can roll over to our place. Heat up a pizza and watch some movies or something, I really think it's time to call it a night, girl..."

She always hated when I told her what to do, which is why she looked pretty pissed off when I urged her to drink some water.

"Jenn, for fuck's sake, please drink something."

"I will! But I want another beer or something. There's water in beer, I'm fine! Lay off, Morg."

"No, you're not fine, Jenn. We're leaving when Liam gets back."

I was getting pissed. More worried than anything, but my worry was turning to anger. She wasn't herself and she wasn't letting me help her. Liam returned to the table.

"Babe, we're ready to go, can we call a cab and head to our place?"

"Of course, we can go. I think Erik's in the pit, but I'll shoot him a text to let him know we're taking off. He can meet up with us later. Let's just take the train, it's closer and I didn't bring any cash for a cab fare."

"Thanks, honey... Jenn, we're leaving, grab your shit, and let's go."

I was putting my foot down. And Jenn wasn't staying here without me.

"You are the poop of this party," she teased me but grabbed her purse.

I noted that Liam's face grew dark when she said that. God, these two, I swear.

We headed out of the bar. I was relieved to leave the sweltering heat and stench of booze and sweat, not to mention the god awful noise of that last band and finally be greeted by the cool chill of the night. Jenn and I walked arm and arm to the train station chatting about what we should watch when we got back home. Jenn was yammering on about if we had pizza rolls or not. I was pretty sure that we did. I turned around and saw that Liam was following closely behind us, texting someone on his phone. Probably letting Erik know we had left like he promised.

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