The Arrival

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It was thundering.
Yeah big surprise.. It's England!
But no, it was really, really thundering.

Thunder doesn't bother me, luckily, and with how bad it was outside, I'm kinda glad it doesn't. Patton was hidden under the covers next to me and Roman was sitting by the window, idly rubbing his finger against the condescending glass.

I sighed, pushing my glasses further up my nose and crossing my arms, staring down at the small hill of blankets, from which Patton was enclosed under. I placed my hand on top of it, which I assumed was his shoulder, calming the shaking Persona down.

Patton hated the Thunder, even whilst being the father figure he was. If he was with the kids, he'd stifle his fright an calm them down, but whilst he's with us, he doesn't have to hold it back. Roman doesn't mind it, in fact sometimes he even admires it, I just take it as it is. Let mother-nature do its job, rain is good for the environment.

The thunder wasn't the only thing keeping most of us on edge, it was also the fact that Thomas had gone to a party over the other side of town.. And we had stayed here...
It was a stupid decision really, we should have gone with him... I mean, anything could happen. But no, we chose not to.
Roman had a lot of work to do back here, Patton had the kids to take care off, and I only stayed to keep everyone safe... Everyone but Thomas. I only pray that there a some emotions or even smaller personalities with him at the moment... Just anyone to watch over him.

"I'm hungry..." Roman stated, suddenly and simply from the windowsill. His brown eyes stared over at me. Patton popped up from under the covers, his face almost lighting up in he dim room.

"I know! How about we make cookies!?" Patton gasped and almost within a flash, he was on his feet and walking over to the kitchen. Roman followed him, gratefully, and seeing as though I had nothing much to do, I got up and went to join them, quickly folding up Patton's blanket.

As I walked from the room, I swear I saw something move within the shadows. I stopped, staring over the corner of the room, my head tilting slightly. There was nothing there, or at least nothing I could see within the darkness. I blinked and then quickly walked into the lit up kitchen, shutting the door behind me.

3rd Person PoV

After about two fun hours off mixing and splattering cookie mixture and over-dosing on chocolate chips, the cookies were baked and ready. Patton slid them from the baking tray onto the plate, they had made so many off them they almost needed two plates. He carried them into the living room, placing them down on the coffee table. Roman followed along behind, still holding the bag of chocolate chips, he was laughing and chatting about different funny cooking memories. Logan quietly walked along behind.

"So? Who wants a cookie!?" Patton presented one of them to Roman, who eagerly took it and munched down in it. He'd devoured two even before Logan got through half off his. The three sides were having so much fun, laughing, chatting and eating... They had forgotten about their worry for Thomas... That was until...

Suddenly, the door to the front of the house flung open with a crash, making all off the Sides jump up quickly. The hunched over figure of their host, of Thomas, came stumbling blindly into the room, drenched head to toe and coughing violently.

"I... Oh.. God... G... God.. N... No..."
Thomas broke down into tremors, his knees hitting the floor and his body shaking. The three personalities didn't know what to do? They were frozen. Thomas was choking? They were still.

Roman finally gathered the will-power to move, he stumbled forward, his eyes wide. "Thomas! Thomas what happened?!"

"L... Logan! Logan! what's wrong with him?!" Patton cried in worry, clutching to the teachers arm. Logan's eyes were widening.
"I... I don't know..."

Suddenly, a black blur emerged from the shadows, shooting past the three persona's, a pale hand pushing Roman out of the way.

The hooded boy, who looked around 18, 19 knelt quickly beside Thomas, his hands clutching his face.
"Thomas! Thomas look at me! Follow my breathing!" He commanded, breathing in slowly then out.
Logan watched shocked as Thomas tried to follow the teens breathing, but soon broke into a fit of cries and coughs again. He noticed the teen wince under his hood, his knuckles were white.
"Thomas! Do what I say!"

Thomas shook his head vigorously: "I can't!"

Suddenly, the younger boy did something that angered the others greatly, mostly Roman. He clenched his fist and punched Thomas straight in the jaw, Thomas helped out in pain.


"HOW DARE YOU!" The Fanciful Side flew forward, grabbing the boy's neck and pinning him to the ground, his head jolting harshly against the wood floor.
"Get off of me!" The Emo Teen yelled, his teeth clenched and his hands gripped around Roman's wrists, trying to prise them away from his neck.

Logan soon realised what Thomas was suffering from, and what the boy was trying to do. He quickly knelt beside his host, grabbing him by the shoulders.
" Thomas! Deep breath in! Then out!"

Thomas refused, his eyes planted onto the ground. The teens eyes welled up with tears and he clenched his eyes shut in pain, seizing up.

"Thomas! Take a deep breath in! Let it out! Please!" Logan shouted. Thomas snapped back into his senses and did what the Teacher said, slowly coming out of it.
Logan watched as the hooded boy's tensed body slowly relaxed, his eyes opening.

"Deep breath in, and let it out..."

Thomas followed through with it, and slowly, the teen joined in, calming himself down. Roman's hands were still around his neck, he was confused.

Logan turned to look at the boy. "Roman, let go of him.."
The Fanciful Side did as he was told and the teen steadily sat up, shaking slightly.

Logan stared at the boy, the boy didn't make eye contact, his eyes were stared at the floor.
"T... That was a.. An Anxiety.. A.., Attack..." He stammered.

Logan's eyes widened.
"You're his Anxiety? Aren't you?"

Roman's eyes widened too, but in anger. "You made this happen..?!"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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