The Job Request

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Hi guys so this like my first Gruvia(GrayxJuvia) fan fic. So I guess that makes me a Fairy Tail fan. Hope you like it .




Juvia P.O.V

"Today's the day were I will ask Gray-sama to do a job with me!" I said as I walk to the guild. I open the front door and see everyone having a good time like always. I start searching for Gray-sama. I have no luck in finding him. Maybe he's sick oh i hope my beloved Gray-sama is alright.

I walk up to Mirajane and ask "Mira-san have you seen Gray-sama?"

"Gray went on a job with Natsu and the rest he won't come back til next Thursay...sorry Juvia." she replies. At least I know he's not sick which is good.

"Oh ok thank you Mira-san." I walk away feeling down.

"Hey Juvia you know why don't you take a job request from the girls only section...if you know what I mean." she whispers in my ear.

" Ehh I don't know..." I reply.

"Aww come on...i'll do one with you c'mon!" she says grabbing both of my hands.

"Alright I guess i'll do it since Gray-sama isn't here."

"YAY! I know just the perfect one."

Mirajane's P.O.V

I quickly got the job request Sorcerer Weekly gave me last week. Jason told me to bring a friend for the next photo shoot (it comes out every Wednsday). It will help Juvia have a good time since Gray won't come back till next Thursday. The reward is 700, 000 jewel and all we have to do is pose so it will be easy. I show her the request and she just looks at it with big eyes. "Uhh l don't know Mira-san..."she says.

"C'mon it will be fun!" I try to convince her.

"Alright then Mirajane" she says giving in. Yes.

"We should get going Juvia or we're going to be late."I tell her. With that said we head out to Sorcerer Weekly's HQ.

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