"Yeah, it has pretty much every picture we've ever taken. From our first date, to holidays, to galas, to weddings and everything in between and afterwards. It also has all of the Valentine's Day cards, birthday cards, and anniversary cards we've ever giving each other. Do you like it" I ask

"I love it. I can't believe you even kept up with all of this" he smiles

"I guess Derek rubbed off on me. He pretty much kept every picture and card he was ever given and eventually I started to do the same and I'm really glad I did because it gave me the chance to reflect on all of our happy moments and how far we've came. I mean when we first met we pretty hated each other, but now I can't picture living without. I love you so much and I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you in my life . You're the best husband I could ever ask for and I would never want to live without you, Avery" I smile

"Good, because you won't ever have to. I know we've went through some difficult moments, but when you got back from D.C. and we were living apart it made me realize how much I need you in my life and that I'd rather stand beside you during difficult times then be completely without you. I love you so much Liliana Garcia" he says

"I love you too Jackson Avery" I smile before he kisses me

"You know I actually have a present for you too" he smiles

"Baby, you didn't have to get me anything. You know I'm not big on being given presents" I say

"I know, but I wanted to give you something, it's Valentines Day. Now follow me" he smiles as he takes my hand and leads me to our room.

"Close your eyes" he says when I sit down on the bed

"Okay" I smile, closing my eyes as I hear him moving around the room

"Okay, open" he says and I open my eyes to see him holding a gorgeous diamond bracelet.

"Oh my gosh. It's so beautiful" I smile

"I'm glad you like it. I couldn't figure out exactly what I wanted to get you at first, but when I saw this I automatically knew I wanted to get it for you" he says

"Well I love it so much Avery. Thank you" I smile

"I'm glad you like it" he smiles

"I love it and there's something else that I'd love right now, well something we'll both love and something we haven't did in way, way to long" I sigh kissing him and wrapping my arms around him. I could tell by his smirk that he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"You don't know how good that sounds to me. You're making this the best Valentine's Day ever" he smiles

"That's the goal. Now how about you set my present on the counter then you come back over here and we're going to make up for lost time " I smirk

"Okay" he smirks before going to set my gift on the counter then joining me in bed where we spend pretty much all day making love repeatedly.

"Jackson, your phone" I sigh out of breath as his phone dings meaning that someone texted him

"Just ignore it" he mumbles as he starts back kissing me

"Avery, that's like the sixth time your phone has went off, it could be important. Check it" I say

"Fine" he sighs before grabbing his phone and answering it. The phone call only lasts for a couple of minutes before he hangs up.

"Who was it" I ask

"My mother. She wants us to come to the hospital tonight, she has something planned" he says

"Like what" I frown

"With her I don't even know, but I'm just going to make up a excuse and text her and say we can't make it later" he says

"No, it could be important" I say

"But I don't want to leave the bed. We're busy" he smirks

"Well how about tonight we go to the hospital and see what your mother needs then we can come back home and start right back where we left off" I smile

"Okay" he smiles before sitting his phone on the bedside table. "You know we still have a little while until we have to leave. Do you really want to spend that time talking about my mother" he smirks, before I pull him into a kiss. We continue to enjoy ourselves until we have to get ready to leave.

"I'm so exhausted" I sigh as Jackson drives us to the hospital

"I can tell. You almost fell when you got out of bed" he smiles making me squint my eyes at him

"That is not funny Avery. My legs are barely working" I say making him smirk.

"That means I did my job right" he smirks

"I don't like you" I say

"But you love me" he smiles

"That I do" I smile. We keep driving until we make it to the hospital. "What does your mother have planned" I ask as we walk into the lobby that was decorated in candles, lights, and flowers.

"I have no idea" he says

"Richard Webber" Catherine calls from the top of the stair case making everyone turn their attention to her

"Catherine" Richard frowns obviously confused as he looks up from his chart

"I'm mad at you" she says as she walks down the stairs. "I'm doing something I swore I never would. I'm asking a question when I don't know the answer because you..." she says

"What's going on" Owen asks as he joins us

"I'm not quite sure yet. Wait, I didn't know you were back" I say

"Yeah, I think you were in Boston the day I got back" he says

"Oh well it's nice to have you back around" I smile before we turn our attention back to Catherine

"Because you're worth me standing here like a fool announcing how I feel in front of the entire hospital! I love you Richard Webber! I love you. And I would very much like for you to be my husband. That is of course, if you'd like it too" she says as she makes her way to the bottom of the stairs and stops in front of Richard. He looks over at Bailey who gives him an encouraging smile before looking back at Catherine.

"Well, about damn time" Webber folds his arms making Catherine laugh before the two share a kiss and everyone starts cheering and clapping as a band begins to play violins. I was happy for them. They make a great couple and hopefully now that her and Richard are getting married she'll stay out of me and Jackson's marriage. Jackson and I go over to congratulate them before we leave to go back home. I couldn't help but to think about how things were starting to change for the positive after so many horrible things have happened. Even though things will never be the same, there not as horrible as they once were and I'm thankful for that.

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