chapter 8

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"nothing  to stress about sir,  she is just weak due to no food for so long and those bruises are going to heal real quick"  as soon as the doctor said those words everyone sighed.

Dimitri who was also standing there sighed because of his brotherly love Xavier sighed for well you guys know why and his men sighed because from the past few weeks they have known enough to understand that this girl is someone too special for their boss. And if anything is to happen to her his wrath will be unleashed upon them.

All of them had gathered in Xavier's room half an hour ago though the tests were finished within fifteen minutes to satisfy Xavier that she was not in danger, as he was getting angry at them and threatning them every other second for not treating her well. They re-run the tests few times in a row.

As the doctor ushered to leave the room Xavier showed a hand stopping him wanting to ask something that was eating him alive since the moment he had heard of her screaming on the phone.

Paul understanding his bosses silent command trudged away with Dimitri and the guards in toe out of the room.

"Ehem umm" not knowing how to voice out his thoughts Xavier was clearing his voice but the doctor understood the hesitance of the young man standing before him and answered smoothly "No sir nothing has happened she is untouched and very much pure" Xavier looked up and nodded keeping a stoic face when in reality his happiness knew no bound.

He would have turn the world upside down if his past tried harming his beautiful present and future.

He dismissed the doctor briefly and walked around towards his bed and kissed her head delicately running his thumb over her swollen cheek which looks a lot better after the application of ointment and walked out with a hard look.


Apparently de Luca left the place before the Silvester men could reach him so his search was still going on.

Currently sitting at the meeting room with all his allies he proposed his plan and all of them resorted to help him in any kind.

But before the meeting was to be dismissed his intercom buzzed he answered with a short reply "sir the girl in your room is awake and is behaving weirdly not letting anyone come near her she has locked herself in the bathroom" came his maid's voice and without saying a word he left the meeting room which was in his mansion down the hallway and ordered Paul to wrap everything up.

He took long and worried strides towards his room and saw his maids standing outside the bathroom door banging on it but he was so impatient that without any warning he broke the bathroom door with a hard push making it come off it's hinges.

And walked inside there she was cowering and hiding this was the sight he hated to see she has nothing to fear for, as long as he was alive but he cannot blame her not after he failed to protect her.

"angelo" he called in a soft wishper making her look towards his direction but the moment her eyes met his they paled making him curse himself inwardly.

"baby I am not going to harm you" he cooed but still she was backing away from him he could notice her shivering the last thing he wanted was for her to fear him it was never his intention but the things he did in past are nothing new or hidden specially what he did to her grandfather.

"please try to understand me,  I am not gonna hurt you, you can"– but before he could complete his sentence a hard slap resonated through out the huge bathroom that even the maids standing outside gasped horrified of this action from the poor girl and prayed to god for her life.

As no one had lived another day disrespecting their master no matter who it is or whatever they meant to him.


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Till the next time.

Take care munchkins.

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