chapter 6

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The room was dirty and small they hadn't even bothered to give her food from the last two days. Tears started pouring out of her already swollen eyes.


Two days back

After school as Meredith entered her little apartment that she shared with Dimitri she felt something unusual.

And her instincts were right because the whole apartment was wrecked couches upside down mattress torn sheer fear crawled up her spine.

She started calling for Dimitri but no response so she phoned him but his phone was ringing somewhere in the apartment itself.

She followed the tune and reached their basement only to gasp and hide behind an old looking shelf their were four men surrounding Dimitri he seemed unconscious and covered in blood she felt like throwing up.

She could see one of the man had a phone Dimitris phone to be more specific who are they why are they here her mind went blank thinking of all the possibilities of they being connected to the him as he worked for the freaking mafia.

Thankfully she still had her phone, which she unlocked to call the cops but than thought better and settled down on calling her close friend and Dimitris boyfriend Josh.

But before she could dial the number the phone started vibrating and ringing a schocking gasp left her mouth as she saw Dimitris name appear on the screen after which everything went blank.

*End of flashback*

She whimpered at the thought of Dimitri had someone found him was he alright the thoughts that plagued her mind were intrupted by the slamming of a door.

She pushed herself more into the wall as if wanting to disappear as they had already hit her quite a few times because she asked questions about the reasons of being kidnapped when she got no wealth and nothing at all.

Apparently they don't appreciate her questioning self so stopped her ramblings by hitting her till she was passed out.

The sound of shoes hitting the floor reached her ears and soon enough she found two polished and pointed shoes in front of her with dread filled eyes she looked up through her lashes only to see a new face.

The man smiled warmly and she kept on blinking not knowing what mind games he was trying to play with her.

"welcome my dear, I hope my men have taken care of you pretty well by the looks of you, I guess they did"he said kneeling down beside her and that's when she noticed the warm smile changing into a creepy menacing one.

He observed her face her red swollen cheeks from being slapped so harshly her busted lips blood matted mane and then he started laughing like a maniac by standing up and muttered in a low tone but was enough to be heard "Now that bastard will learn a lesson a very important lesson of life" with that he gave a last look to the petite little girl and went away.

Meredith kept looking at the door until the man disappeared and sighed but his words kept on playing in her mind.

"who is he trying to teach a lesson by hurting me, who could possibly be affected by my well-being"


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Till the next time lovelies.

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