I see London I see France

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It all started in 7th grade. My English teacher had my class write an essay and present it to the entire school onstage. Being a really shy kid, I was already nervous. I remember getting ready the day that I had to share the essay, and having only one pair of panties left in my drawer. They were frilly white scooby doo granny panties. Since I wasn't wearing anything tight and only a skirt, I threw them on. I went on the stage to share, little did I know, my skirt was tucked into my panties! I went on stage and turned around to read my notes. Everyone was laughing. I had no idea what was going on until, my good friend told me that my skirt was tucked into my underpants AND that they were blood stained! I immediately knew that I had just gotten my first period. I was so humiliated that I ran off the stage and hid in the bathroom. To this day, people still call me the "bloody panties girl" sometimes.


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