Oh, brother

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So my brother had come home from college for the week and unfortunately I was on my period. There was a Mythbusters marathon so we were both lying on the couch watching Mythbusters all day. I made the mistake of wearing light pink sweatpants and a big sweatshirt. I had gotten up to use the restroom and I came back and there was some red stuff of the couch. I dismissed it as marker but I got up again to get some snacks and when I stood up there was another red spot where I had just gotten up. I was so embarrassed I went pale and I had to go tell my mom with me pulling down my sweatshirt to cover where ever I bled through on my pants. I had to get my mom to get carpet cleaner to clean the couch and my brother was all like "what's wrong"

My family has a magic phrase of "don't worry about it" so I told my brother not to worry but i was especially embarrassed when he went "no. Tell me what's wro- Ohh" cuz he figured it out. What a way to ruin a good pair of sweatpants, underwear, and a Mythbusters marathon.


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