Chapter 14: Championship Round and The Reveal

Start from the beginning

Lugia then raises his right wing and before the attack makes an impact to him, he deflected it and it explodes behind him on the right. The crowd was amazed when Lugia deflected the attack.

Tobias gritted his teeth because the attack did work.

Ash - "Mega evolve to your X form."

Tobias - "What?!"

Lugia then glowed bluish-white and other parts of his body began to change and after that, Mega Lugia X is now in the arena and let out a roar that emitted shockwaves. Then the aura surrounding Ash's body disappeared. Once again, the entire stadium began to shake because of the shockwaves that Lugia emitted.

Ash - "I think Lugia learned a new attack."

Mega Lugia X - "Hmm?"

Ash - "Nevermind, Let's continue our battle."

Tobias was shocked that Lugia can mega evolve and said,

Tobias - "How did you mega evolve your Lugia without a keystone and his megastone?"

Ash simply said,

Ash - "Through Aura. Now use Shockwave!"

Mega Lugia X the roared so loud that he emitted large shockwaves and Darkrai was struggling to withstand the shaking of the field.

Ash - "Quick use Brave Bird attack with 15% of your power."

Mega Lugia X pulls in its wings and dives down at the opponent like a missile, its body bursting into flames. Then, it pulls out its wings, its body becomes surrounded by a blue aura, and it slams into the opponent. When the glow fades, light blue sparks run up his wings as it takes recoil damage. Luckily, Lugia didn't receive recoil damage and his hp stayed to 100%. Darkrai didn't have time to dodge because of the Shockwave and he received the attack head on and it lets a massive explosion. After the explosion, Darkrai is laying down the ground with swirls in its eyes and he lets out his roar signifying that he is victorious.

Referee - "Darkrai is unable to battle. Lugia wins!"

Tobias then recalled Darkrai and said to Ash,

Tobias - "Damn, Ash you are far more powerful than last time."

Ash - "I know right, despite of being a God."

Tobias - "Wait, what? Are you saying that you are a God?" he said shocked.

Ash - "Yes, honestly and I will explain it later."

Tobias - "Okay."

Tobias then send out his Latios.

Referee - "Round 2 begin!"

Tobias - "Use Luster Purge!"

Latios then opens its mouth and white sparkles form and gather in front of it, forming together into a pink ball of energy. It then fires a massive pink beam from the ball at the opponent.

Ash - "Use Fire Spin!"

Lugia opens its mouth and releases a spiraling flame from its mouth at the opponent. The two attacks clashed and it emits a explosion and neither of the two pokèmon did receive damage.

Tobias - "Quick use Dragon Rush!"

Latios' body becomes surrounded in a light blue orb with white streaks or its horn glows blue and releases a blue, dragon-shaped energy that covers its body. It then slams into the opponent with full force.

Ash - "We will use Dragon Rush too!"

Lugia releases a blue, dragon-shaped energy that covers its body. It then slams into the opponent with full force. The two attacks hit head on but Lugia easily overpowered Latios and he winced in pain as he takes damage from Lugia's attack. Then Latios fall on the ground, dealing additional damage. (Latios' hp 55%) Lugia then lands on the ground unscathed.

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