Chapter 9-Matthew

Start from the beginning


"So you really did kiss him? Details! Details!"

"Elizabeta, for the last time, I kissed him first. It was quick and brief, but he continued it."

Elizabeta was one of my closest friends, and I could always rely on her to confide in and remember me. Other than my family, I felt the most comfortable telling her about the kiss first.

Unfortunately, I conveniently forgot that she was obsessed with anything boys-love related.

"But was there tongue?"

"Eep! No no! There was no tongue! It was my first kiss, Elizabeta, of course it wasn't a french kiss!" I blushed. 

"Hmmm....are you sure?"

"I think I would have remembered!"

Elizabeta laughed. "I know, I know. I'm just teasing. I'm glad you found some love."

"T-thanks. So am I."

After we chatted for a few more minutes, I decided to call up the Vargas brothers. I hadn't exactly talked to them last night, and I wanted to see how they were doing.

"What the hell do you want?" Came Lovi's familiar greeting.

"Just wanted to say hi!"

"Huh? Oh, hi Mattie. How're things with the prince?" He asked.

"Good," I replied. I wasn't ready to tell everyone about the kiss yet. "What about you and Antonio?"

"What about that bastard?!" He exclaimed. "He's an idiot. Why would I want anything to do with him? So what if he's kind, and funny, and cheerful..."

I smirked. "You sure seem interested in talking to him."

"What?! Yeah right! I'm not interested at all! W-we can stop talking about him any second now. We're not talking about him right now. Nope. No we're not."

"Lovi, I'm one of your closest friends. Talk to me."

Lovi sighed. "Fine, so I'm a little interested in him. What's it to you?"

I giggled. "That's really cute, Lovi!"

"S-shut it! Look, I have to go."

"Tell Feli I say hi!"

"Yeah, whatever. See you tonight."

"Alright, bye!" I noticed myself waving and put my hand down self consciously. We were on the phone. He wouldn't see me!

"Uh-huh. And Mattie?" 


"I bet your night will go fine. You're a worrier, so don't worry so much. He obviously likes you a lot."

I grinned. "Thanks Lovi. See you tonight."


The sight of a man sitting on my windowsill without warning was no longer an astonishing thing, or even an abnormal thing. It just was. So when Tino let himself into my room to check on me, I only looked up from my preparations to say hello.

"Moi!" He said. "Are you ready for the third night?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. Do you think I maybe...kissed him too soon?" This had been bugging me for awhile.

"If you truly do like each other, than it's totally fine! Don't worry. Trust me," He affirmed.

"Maybe...maybe I should get his number?" After my phone calls today, the idea also struck me.

Tino clapped his hands. "That sounds like a great idea!" He walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders, looking me straight in the eyes with a sort of pride and cheer. "Remember-you can do this. Just be yourself."

"That's never gotten me very far. It's never made me noticed..."

"But it is now, isn't it?" He beamed. "And besides, even if the whole world doesn't hear your voice, as long as you have the people in your life who care about you...that's what's important. I want you to realize that."

I am forgotten sometimes. I've said it before-I'm quiet and unassuming. However, I have friends who care about me. I have a family who loves me. I have someone new in my life who I'm so lucky to feel the beginnings of love with. I don't need every eye in the room on me. I just need the people I love to hear me.

And if the day ever comes when I need the whole world to see me...well, I'll make sure it happens.

My quiet life has been shaken, and I am more than content.

"Thank you, Tino. I understand now."

"Really? Then I'm glad. I really am happy and proud of you, Mattie." He turned and started to head towards the window. "Good luck!"

"Wait!" I exclaimed. "Don't you want to come with me? I feel bad leaving you behind."

"Oh, thank you for asking!" He blushed. "But I have dinner with my husband, Berwald. I've got to go. I'll see you later, then!" He waved.

"Bye Tino!"

Alright, tonight is the last night. I can't help but wonder what's going to happen after It's all over, but I have to do my best to live in the now. I remembered Gilbert, who I was slowly falling in love with, and I knew that any time I could spend with him would be precious.

I can put my nerves away for this. I am important and I can be noticed. I'm ready to go.

Under The Wisteria Tree- Cinderella x Hetalia AU-PruCanWhere stories live. Discover now