Chapter 5-Matthew

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A.N. Hello all you beautiful people! UltimateFangirl here. Hope you're doing well. All I can say for this chapter is...I love fluff waaayyyy too much like omg. I would write SO much more of it if I had the time. Damn you, school! Also, just in case any of you guys are wondering, there almost most definitely won't  be a smut chapter. Sorry, but we're honestly just not that great at writing it. Anyway, enough of my rambling. Enjoy the story!

So far, I knew three things. And three things only.

Number one - Gilbert was handsome. Okay, that was a lie. He was beautiful. Everything about him radiated. When you walk into the room, he's the first thing you see. I didn't know how else to describe it. It's a feeling that just can't be put into words.

Number two - He had talked to me. Me. You know me enough to know that I command the least attention in a room full of people. I'm quiet and unassuming. So why did Gilbert give me all of this attention? It was...odd.

Number three - I was curious. Curious about what was yet to come. Curious about what kind of person Gilbert was. I wanted to know everything. There was only one way to find out more about him, and that was to talk. What to say, though?

"So...?" I decided to try a pickup line I had heard my brother use. "Come here often?"

Gilbert looked at me with a mixture of surprise, confusion and amusement. "Uh, yeah," He snickered. "I live here. And what're you doing using that line in my awesome garden? Way to kill the mood!"

I felt my face grow hot. "Do you have something better?"

"Obviously. I'm the awesome Gilbert!" He leaned his elbow on my shoulder. "Would you grab my arm so I can tell my friends I've been touched by an angel?"

I blushed, and then smiled. Before I could help it, I was taken over by a fit of giggles. "T-that's good...! But also horrible! Where do you get this stuff?"

"The internet," He bragged.

"That's even worse!"

"Whatever." Gilbert stood up. "Do you want me to show you more of the garden? Or should we just kill each other with bad pickup lines?"

"I'll take the garden..."


"Okay, so this pond in the middle is pretty cool, yeah?" Gilbert gestured to it, and he wasn't lying. It reflected the crescent moon and was crystal clear like a mirror.

"It's beautiful."

"R-really? I, um," He cleared his throat. "That's not even the cool part, Mattie!"

Gilbert clapped his hands with flourish. One by one, fireflies lit up and illuminated the air above the water, filling the garden with a kind of unearthly presence. I watched one in awe, as it flew to my face and settled on my nose.

"This is amazing, Gil." I stopped short and covered my mouth. I had just met him! Why was I being so comfortable with him?! He's "Gilbert", not "Gil"!

Gilbert noticed too, and blushed. "Gil?" He asked. "That's..."

"Stupid. I'm sorry."

"No no no! I like it! But I have to call you something about...?" Was he seriously coming up with a nickname for me? My heart was pounding out of it's chest. "Birdie!"


"Awesome, yeah? Now when I see Gilbird, my pet chick, I'll think of you. Plus, It's just really cute." He grinned.

Under The Wisteria Tree- Cinderella x Hetalia AU-PruCanWhere stories live. Discover now