Chapter 6 - Gilbert

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A.N. No need to reread, the chapter title was different from the others and it was bothering me so I changed it. Have a good day!



Ok, but honestly, 95 FLIPPING READS?! I just can't, oh my god. Thank you guys so much for the support, I hope you really do enjoy this story~!

Ok, so this is the aftermath on Gil's side, I think you'll like it. I slipped in a little worried-Ludwig brotherly love, I think it's adorable.



After Mattie left with his friends and family, Gilbert and Ludwig returned to the ball, Gilbert slipping back into his "I'm-apparently-a-prince-but-this-is-not-where-I-want-to-be" attitude. He still replied graciously to greetings and carried on conversations, but the joy he had shown so willingly in Mattie's presence was muted. Ludwig noted this after an hour or so, and he made some excuses then sent him off to bed. It was never on Gil's agenda to stay up past one, so the moment that hour hit, the lights in his head just tuned out.

In his bedroom, he had enough self-awareness to change out of his suit and open the window for Gilbird to fly back (Gilbird always came back each night after being out), but he just passed out the moment his head hit the pillow, Gilbird following suit and lying on his head.

That night, he dreamed of a blond angel under a wisteria tree.


The next morning, when Gilbert got up, he went straight to his closet and actually put his suit away. He had barely had any energy after spending the whole night with Mattie, he really had pull himself together...

Oh, shit.

He had spent the whole night with Mattie. He was supposed to talk to people that night and find out who interested him! But he really only liked Mattie that night. Maybe he'd be back this night?

But that didn't matter right now. Right now, he had to go tell West what had happened. He only knew that he had met Matthew, he didn't know he had spent the night with him. This is going to be a lovely conversation...

Gilbert made his way down the stairs, ready to tell Ludwig that he fucked up the moment he walked through the door, but when he got to the mess hall, he wasn't there. In his place was a stranger with blond hair and a fond grin on his face.

"West! What happened? You're...smiling! Who placed such a curse on you?!" It wasn't as though Ludwig was never happy, but he never fully smiled. It was always a twist in his lips, or his mouth would quirk to one side. The only time he had actually smiled was when he had met that kid ten years ago, but that was also the only other time he smiled. Gilbert wanted to thank the person who could put such an expression on his face and leave it there.

Immediately, the smile disappeared, replaced with his normal indifferent face, if a little upturned in happiness. "Well, you certainly haven't been cursed. You're exactly the same."

"And you're making jokes too! What a change!" Gilbert didn't see the harm in teasing a bit longer, but the joke was getting old. "But seriously, what is it? Ooh, did'ja meet someone?"

A blush appeared faintly on his little brother's face. Oh, now it was getting fucking interesting! "Oh, you did! Who was it? I want to meet them!"

The blush deepened. Seriously, what was up with him? "You already have, bruder."

"Oh, was it that happy Italian? He seems like he would be a good brother-in-law, I could get used to him. Although, we'd have to ask Feliks about the wedding planning, unless he's any good at decor-"

"Gilbert!" Ludwig was getting really flustered now. Oh, right, this is my not-well-in-touch-with-his-emotions brother.

"I'm just joking, but really, if he managed to put a smile on your face and make it stay through to the morning, I think he's good for you."

"Ok, so that aside, how was last night? Who did you find interesting, if at all?"

"Ah, about that, my dear bruder..."

"Gilbert, what's wrong?"

"I only met one person. Mattie, to be precise. The one I was with last night."

"Oh, yes, Feliciano's friend! Wait, only one person?"

"...yeah..." Well, my life's over. I never even said goodbye to Birdie. Gilbert looked down in shame.

"That's great!"

He jerked his head up. "Wait, really?" That's unexpected.

"Well, I'm assuming you talked to him," Ludwig frowned, "so you know him kind of well. Maybe you two will be good for each other as well."

"Ok, so that's settled. Did you have breakfast, or were you too busy smiling?" Like he said, there was no harm in continuing the joke...

Ludwig facepalmed. "Mein Gott, Gilbert. Why are you like this?"

"I'm an asshole, it's my best trait, I have to flaunt it. How else will I stay as awesome as me?" Ludwig just sighed, getting up from the table and putting away the dishes. Gilbert just grabbed an apple from the bowl in the center. "So, until tonight?"

"Until tonight, bruder."

Under The Wisteria Tree- Cinderella x Hetalia AU-PruCanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora