Strong, Truly Strong, Phoenix, Rise

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Strong, Truly Strong:



What makes us strong?

Not just strong.

But, truly strong.

Is it the fact that we can move and lift up heavy objects?


Or the fact that we are able to perform a specified action well and powerfully?


Or is it the fact that when others verbally abuse us and try to bring us down, we keep going?


Or the fact that when your parents put work in front of you and are always leaving, you still keep going no matter how much it hurts?


And the fact that when we keep getting hurt and insulted by others, we rise up with our heads held high?

Heck Yeah!!




A Phoenix.

We all know what a Phoenix is.

Their really unique creatures.

And you know why?

They burn up and turn to ashes.

But that's before they rise up.

A Phoenix burns up, it goes through the fire and flames, but then it rises up.





This is an amazing word.

You know why?

Just think, what does rise mean?

In other words, what does it mean to rise?

To rise up?

It means to move from a lower postion to a higher one.


So here we are again.

For the 4th time.

The last time.

  The Strong Series:



As we all know.

Life is life.

It's hard.

It's unfair.

And it'll throw you into challenges that not even you'd think you can make it through.

But guess what?

You can.

Because in a way, we're all Strong.

Heck, not just Strong.

Truly Strong.

No matter how hard whatever your going through is, you can make it through because your truly strong.

You may be going through the fire and flames now, but you'll get through it. Just like a....


And you know what's so amazing about a phoenix?

After they get through the fire and flames, from their lowest point, they doing something amazing.

You may be down at your lowest point right now. But there's basically one direction to go from there.



So you may be going through alot right now and might just want to sit down and give up. But your Strong, well actually, Truly Strong.

And it may seem hard but you'll get through the fire and flames. Just like a Phoenix.

And when your at your lowest point. You'll do just what a Phoenix alway does.

Because when your Strong, Truly Strong, and a Phoenix. You can and always will...



Well friends, this is the end, the offical end. Thank you all so much for reading the Strong series.

I'm gonna miss writing this series. It took alot of time but was worth it.

Have a good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening/ Night, where ever you are in the world and please tell me what you thought about the series!!

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