Staying Over

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If people are trying to bring you down, it means that your only above them.


"You guys, just came from a meeting!!!" Missouri yelled, "Why do you have to go again!?!"

"My boss wanted to talk about trade," Canada answered, "This one won't take as long as the last one. We'll see you guys later," North America all started to walk out the house.

America looked extremely nervous, they all were, actually.

They didn't really know how to talk to their colonizers since the dinner. They had rushed out of there that day and hadn't made any contact at all and now they were gonna see them again.

This was fan- fucking- tastic.

They got in the car and drove to the meeting building. Some countries were already entering.

With luggage?

"Uhh Mattie, why do they have bags with them?" Alfred asked.

His brother sighed, " I talked to my boss about this earlier today. Since this is an emergency meeting, there was no hotel booked and there's a lot to talk about. So... they're staying over," He responded.

"What!?!" His siblings all yelled.

"Yeah," Canada sighed again, "The states, provinces and cities won't like this." .

"Neither will I," Maria said, "It's only gonna be two days right?"

Her brother closed his eyes, "Or more, depending on how much we get through, today." They all sighed

After awhile of quietness in the car, they got out and walked in the building.

America prepared himself for the insults before remembering that they wouldn't come. As he and his siblings walked down the hallway, some countries waved at them.

He gave a smile and waved back, this felt weird.

They entered the meeting room and sat by their cousins.

America once again mentally prepared for insults again.


Nobody had said anything to him at all.

"Hi America!!!," A cheerfully voice said, "He turned around to see Italy.

"Oh hey bro, what's up?" He smiled.

"I was wondering if you and your siblings wanted to go out for pasta with me, Germany, Japan, and Fratello some time!!!"

Alfred was about to agree but soon stopped himself.

What if they made comments about his weight?

What if they called him fat?

And a pig?

His heart started to beat faster as he thought about the times he was teased about that.

"No," He said quietly, "Not again," He said in a shaky breath.

That's what they were gonna do, wasn't it?

That was their gameplay. To become friends and then go back to the insults and teasing. To hurt him again, to break him.

That wasn't gonna happen, he wasn't gonna let it.

"No! Ummm.... I mean, no thanks bro," He said.

Italy looked a bit surprised at that, but nodded. He really wanted to get to know America more but respected his wishes.

As North America talked with their cousins, they noticed their former colonizers walk in with some of their siblings.

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