The Morning After

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Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you


"We want to be the parents that we should have been." Spain finished.

North America were all surprised. They were not expecting an apology from their former colonizers or was it their parents?

Maria shook her head, "You all don't mean that. We're just gonna trust you again only to have you go back on your word."

"Yes we do cheri, we mean every word."

North America looked at each other, then back at their colonizers, they all looked like they meant it.

"I don't know," Canada said, "We can't be sure." Diego nodded.

"What were we to you guys?" America suddenly asked, "Were we just colonies to your empire and you thought it would be okay to just play with our feelings like that?" His eyes were filled with pain, "You wanted us to trust you only for you to take advantage of it? Were we just pawns for you guys!!?!" Tears started to fall, "For you to just use us to expand your empires and then just throw us the four of us away!?! Is that what we were!?!" He couldn't control the tears.

They all felt terrible.

"Our children," Spain said taking a step to his son.

"What?" America asked as he tried wiping his tears that kept falling.

"You weren't pawns at all. We never thought of you all like that. You were our children, who deserved better, who had to go through things alone without us being there when we should have been," He looked straight at him and Canada," Who had to grow up so fast, too fast. Who had to take care of your younger siblings when we should have been the ones to take care of you all." He sighed, "Who we had separated." He felt tears come up but held them back, "Our children who we should have been there for but we weren't. Our children who we made feel like they didn't matter. Our children who," he wiped some tears that fell, "Who, we hurt."

Basically everyone felt tears come up.

He looked at North America, "And now I'm looking at all of you, my children. Who I promise to never ever hurt again." He looked at all of them with a serious face "I swear to you."

America all of a sudden hugged Spain and just cried, cried for the pain he had gone through over the years because of his former colonizers, cried for the loneliness him and his siblings had felt during the colony days.

Spain ran his hands through America's hair and rubbed his back, "I'm so sorry mijo, for everything."

"We all are," France said, England nodded.


America woke up and looked around his room in Canada's house.

For some reason, he felt at peace. It was like something good finally happened to him in a long time.

That dream.

It had all been a dream, hadn't it?

The memories, the apologies, his mother.

It had all been a dream.

It had to be.

He sighed, maybe he was meant to be the punching bag of the world.

There was a knock on the door and his twin walked in, "Up I see," He sat on the bed next to him, "How exactly do you feel........ after the last few days."

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