Meet and Greet

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The maidens wait for me in the formal dining room. Two guards accompany me to the hall, their eyes alert and focused. They both carry long rifles, intricately embellished, with gold moulding around the wood of the handle, and long golden stripes up the sides of the barrel. Their faces are sullen, almost angry.

I try to breathe evenly, but my heart beats out of my chest, nervous that someone will recognize me, that someone will notice my absence.

I'm so afraid.

The doors to the dining room swing open wide, and announcers alert my handmaidens that I'm arriving. They all look at me, their eyes wide with wonder and with fear.

My expression never changes, and their eyes follow me as I round the table to my place.

They all wear the coral dresses, made of satin, shining in the pale light. All of them stay completely silent, as the other leaders and officials begin their meaningless talk.

"Your majesty," the representative from Palatia begins, "we have met here tonight on the subject of the Gungan resistance in Palatia."

"What is it that you need," I ask. The resistance has been carrying on since before I was born, so I'm well acquainted with the enmity between the Naboo and the Gungans.

"The Gungans have broken through the barricade at Derisaé, and are making their way to our reserves at Mornine."

My heart falls for a moment, a disturbing new development. "Is there no way to seek a cease-fire with the Gungans?"

"No," the representative says. "They are too persistent, and have taken too many of our troops."

"Would they really refuse to send representatives for a conference?"

"Undoubtedly," he says, a grim look on his face. "We will have to mobilize troops to stop them."

"No. I will not let our people kill hundreds of Gungans without reason."

"But, your majesty-"

"My word is final, representative," I interrupt. "We will send a request for a cease-fire. Until then, we must regroup and fortify our ranks. Do not attack unless you first are attacked."

"Yes, your majesty," the representative pouts, angered his idea was disregarded.

"Is this all we are here to discuss," I ask, eager to have this over.

"No, your majesty," another noble person interjects. "We need to discuss the senator for the Naboo. You said you wanted the representatives to come forward with a candidate?"

"I did."

"We have decided on two final candidates, though one was more favoured."

"Tell me the names."

"The less favoured candidate is Liam Odonte, who had 26% of the vote, and the other is Sheev Palpatine, who had 74%."

Sheev Palpatine? Though he has been senator before and is the most experienced, he is clearly a man with only his best interests at heart. "I would prefer candidate Odonte, but it is clear that the decision is in favour of Candidate Palpatine. Therefore, we shall place Candidate Palpatine into the roll of Senator. However, Senator Lapis' term is not yet finished. We shall wait to instate him until Lapis has retired his position."

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