You're Right

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Sorry if it's too similar to my other oneshots, I'll try to spice things up soon, I was just in a rush.

Happy Sherlolly appreciation week!


Molly walked into the morgue, checking twice to make sure Sherlock was there. She had brought yet another boyfriend.

"Hey Sherlock, uh this is Nick. Nick, Sherlock," introduced Molly.

"Hello. Molly, can I have a word with you?" asked Sherlock.

"Oh, of course. One sec Nick," agreed Molly, almost skipping to Sherlock. 

"Why do you keep bringing these people in? They're like extra clients I have to deal with. It's almost every month, and you only introduce them to me," wondered Sherlock.

"Well, I just think that you're one of my closest friends, and it comforts me that you know," answered Molly, having planned it for a while. 

"But why do you bother when it always ends up in heartbreak? You have to agree with me, you've gone through more men than I can count," exclaimed Sherlock.

"I can't."

"Why?" asked Sherlock.

"Because you're right."


"Sherlock, I can't believe you still haven't caught on. I don't love those guys. I try to, but I can't," said Molly, not believing the words coming from her mouth.


"Sherlock, I love you," blurted out Molly, immediately covering her mouth. Sherlock's eyes lit up, as if a million light bulbs had just lit up in his head. About five minutes passed, when Sherlock finally decided to answer back.

"I love you too," answered Sherlock. Their lips met, and that was the exact moment when Nick walked in.

"Should I just go?" asked Nick.

"I am so sorry Nick, but...yeah, you should go," answered Molly. 

Their lips met once more, and everything was just how they both wanted it to be.

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