Chapter 15

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Adrien's P.O.V.

I bring my right hand to my chest and look at the white ring on my finger as the old man turns and walks away. I exhale and come to the conclusion that this is just an old man that I've seen around Paris that just happened to pay a bit more attention than most people do.

Even my own father.

Well, except for that one time after Ladybug and I stopped him from 'flying' off the top of a building. We'd come home and he had actually hugged me.

I sigh and bring out my phone from my pocket and one again dial Marinette's number. It rings a few times before I'm directed to voicemail.

"Hey Marinette, it's Adrien. Please talk to me, let me explain." I hang up the voicemail and drop my phone in my pocket.

After this morning, school isn't really going to be a piece of cake. And even if I go, I'm just going to zone out. So what's the point? I'm already ages ahead anyways.

Instead of taking the turn left that leads to the café that most students eat at, I take a right and head into the 'darker' side of the city of love. After all, I have a few things to do.

I walk a few blocks until the infamous little café that very few citizens that live here go to, located in what most call 'Downtown Paris'. Even though Paris doesn't exactly have a downtown. I walk into the small building wedges between an old run down bar and a small gym.

Let's just say the scent drifts.

I've lead a pretty sheltered life, up until I became Chat Noir. Now, nothing much surprises me.

I take a seat on one of the cleaner looking tables and cross my arms until a familiar voice speaks to my right.

"Hello, welcome to Alexander's Homey Café. What Can I get you?"

I turn my head and give Rose a big smile, she seems to be getting along well since the incident. Though you can see the bags under her eyes and her slightly uncomfortable posture. Her eyes widen and she straightens up.

"Oh! Hello Adrien! Ah- I mean... hello Adrien Agreste! Son of Gabriel Agreste." She whispers the last part to herself, as if to prove to herself that I was/am actually here.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I say, still with a big smile. She pulls out her notebook and a pen.

"It's wonderful to meet you! What can I get you today? Our coffee machine is out of order and the muffins are stale. May I suggest a doughnut? Oh! You're a model... How about a sugar free one? It's not like you're fat or anything!" Her brow starts to sweat and she swipes a stray hair out of her face.

"A chocolate doughnut sounds great, thanks."

"Coming right up!" She scribbles it down and gives me a quick smile before rushing off to get my order.

I chuckle and stand up for a moment after she disappears into the kitchen. I walk over to the man that looks to be in charge and clear my throat.

"Hello, may I ask a question?"

The man looks up and a face of annoyance covers his face.

"I guess." he huffs.

"Uh, can you tell me how much your waitresses get paid each month? It's for a school project."

"Depends whether they annoy me or not."

I prepare to fake a laugh at the man's poorly written joke, but the expression on his face reveals its not a joke. I clear my throat. "If they don't-annoy you- how much?"

"Around five hundred."

I nod my head. "Thank you"

He gives a rough nod back and leaves me alone at the table.

I waver for a second before heading back to my seat. Just as I sit down, Rose steps out of the kitchen holding a plate with a chocolate doughnut and in the other hand a soda. She also had her pen in her mouth and her notepad under her arm. Her face was a bit red, probably from rushing around. She hurries to the tale and carefully sits the plate down, then the soda with a smile.

"Here's your doughnut, I brought you a soda, sometimes our doughnuts can be a bit - dry -." she cringes a bit as she finishes her sentence. "Just call me over if you need anything else Adrien." She gives me a parting smile and scurries back into the kitchen.

I open my schoolbag and pull out a twenty dollar bill and place it on the table. I quickly eat my doughnut and exit the café.

Maybe I can turn around Chat Noir's tendency for bad luck...

Old note : 

Can you guys believe it??? Only a WEEK until S2 officially comes out on Netflix!! Me and a friend will be on a trip when it comes out so on a 8 hour long bus ride we'll probably watch it all!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! There's more to come soon... maybe something you aren't expecting?

- chatattack <3

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