Chapter 14

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Adrien's P.O.V.

I stand in the same place I had ten minutes ago. Probably a far away look plastered on my face.

It's now 8:06, and people have started to file in. I caught glimpses of Max and Kim walk in, I'm almost positive Kim bumped me to try and snap me out of whatever had me caught, but it failed. I just continue to stand and stare.

Stand and stare.

Stand and stare.

"Mister Agreste, if you don't take a seat this instant you'll find yourself in the principals office!"

I snap out of my trance and clear my throat. I scan the room for any distant trance of raven black hair fashioned into pigtails and bright bluebell eyes. Sadly, I fail to spot anything of the sort. A sigh escapes my throat as I shuffle to my seat and sit down beside Nino. I hear a huff from Alya and another sigh from Nino and sink down lower in my seat.

Surely I could come up with a way to make it up to her? I'm Adrien Agreste after all!

But what does that really  mean?

To others, a name of confidence and boldness.

But to me?

What has this name ever given me? Fame? I guess.

But aren't I suppose to be me?

I need to stop thinking about this. I just need to get Mari back.

I just sat there, doing absolutely nothing.

"And that's lunch! Before you go, please stop by my desk and tell me who you have selected to do your project on, don't forget, they're due in a week!"

I sigh again at the thought of the project  that'd we'd still failed to complete. I need to stop sighing, it's not the end of the world here.

I turn to see where Nino wants to go for lunch today but only catch him as he's walking out the door with Alya right behind him.

I stand up alone, for the first time since the first day of school, and walk up to Mrs. Bustier's desk. She looks up at me and gives me a warm smile as if she'd forgot the incident from earlier in class.

"Hello Adrien, where's your partner?"

"Marinette got sick and left before class." I lie smoothly, finding it easier and easier to do each time. I can literally hear Plagg  right now, 'sly like a cat, you get it from me of course'. I roll my eyes and the thought of Plagg giving himself the credit as usual.

"Did I say something to offend you Adrien?"

I snap out of my concentration  and give her an embarrassed smile. "Sorry Mrs. Bustier, I zoned out for a bit there." 

"It's okay Mister Agreste, it happens to everyone  once in a while."

I feel Plagg scoff from inside my pocket, clearly picking up on the teachers sarcasm just as I had. Only I have much better manners.

"Marinette and I are doing our project on the character  Draco Malloy from the Harry Potter Series. I promise we will have it completed  by the due date."

"As I expected,  especially from you, Adrien Agreste."

I give a quick nod before hurrying out the room and pulling out my cell phone. I really need to fix things. Not because we have a project due, but because I already miss Mari's sweet smile.

I dial her number as I exit the school. Just as I'm stepping off the last step, I see an old man with a red and white floral shirt bending over to pick up something that looks to be green. I hang up the phone and slide it into my pocket as I run over to help.

"Here, let me help you." I bend over as the man stands up straight and I reach to grab the green item laying on the ground. When I get a better look at it, I see it's a green turtle shaped large bead with a black string that fastens it around someone's wrist.

There's slight movement from inside my pocket as I grasp on to the bracelet  and stand back up straight. I run my thumb over the carvings that are on the green bead, leading me to think it's made to assume the title of a turtle. For some reason I feel slightly drawn to the piece of jewelry.

"This is a really nice bracelet, where'd you get it from? If you don't mind me asking, that is." I say as I hand the turtle bracelet  back to the man, who now once I've had a good look at, is very familiar  looking.

"Oh no, I don't mind. It's been passed down for a very long time." The man says with  a wise smile on his face. He fastens the turtle back on his wrist and let's out a breath of air.

"So it's been in your family for a while then?"

"No" he says curtly, the smile growing just a bit. "Only to those who are worthy." He finishes with a wink.

"Well, make sure to keep an eye on it if it's that old." I say to the strange old man.

"Don't worry Adrien, it won't be far from my reach."


"Adrien Agreste? Only son of Gabriel  Agreste the world known fashion designer?"

The tensed muscles relax. Of course  he would know who I am.

"Well, I must get going now."

"Oh, okay. Have a good day!"  I say with a smile, then turn around to leave.

"And Adrien?"

I turn around and wait for him to continue.

"I like your ring."


Old note : 



First stuff with one of my friends happened, then there just wasn't any inspiration. I mean it's been over a year and there's only 26 episodes. And I finally set myself down to work on this but my Wattpad wouldn't work. I'll update VERY SOON I PROMISE!


- chatattack <3

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