31::: ice cream, cries, and apologies for a girl

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"You're an idiot." Darren speaks through the telephone.

"Yes. Thank you for that enlightening information, Darren." My tone drips sarcasm.

After my recent performance at Zedd's house I really needed to vent to someone I trust.

But unfortunately my dad is gone and Meg is the person I need to vent about...among other people of course. So alas, I had to settle for Darren.

"Well..." he sighs, "I can't exactly take sides in this so before I give any advice just know that I am a neutral party here."

I shake my head. "No one is asking you to choose sides here. Just sit there and listen while I rant some more."

"Fine." He groans loudly.

"But seriously what do you think I should do?"

"Are you for real - ugh okay you know what to do you just don't want to do it." He chuckles.

Biting my lip I look at the ceiling. "I mean about Zedd..."

"Oh...well what about him? What were you going there to tell him?" He waits a moment as I sit there silently chewing my bottom lip. "Wait..." he breathes, "no way...you - you like Zedd?"

Again I don't answer.

"What!? Oh my gosh I can't believe what I'm hearing - I mean I can but I never thought you'd actually like him back! Oh my gosh my world is spinning. I'm going to pass out. If I die please tell my mother I love her."

"Darren! Shut up!" I yell through the phone. "And what do you mean 'like him back'...?"

He remains silent. "Uh..."

"Darren." I keep my voice monotone.


"Tell me the truth."

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about - oh what's that mom? Okay I'll be right there!"

"Darren don't you dare - "

Beep beep beep.


My teeth clench my bottom lip, my fingers tapping against my leg. There's nothing I can do if Darren won't tell me. And it could be nothing.

And I can only deal with one thing at a time.

As I whip out my phone to call Meg I realize something, a shock of stress running up my spine.

"Crap. Oh crap crap crap." I quickly check the time.


I forgot about Cora.

Deciding to kill two birds with one stone, I grab my shoes again and run out the door. Not bothering to ask my mom to use the car I just hop in, igniting the vehicle and pulling out of the driveway.

I catch sight of Meg looking a pit the window, a glare on her face, as I pull into her driveway.

I offer her a shaky smile but she rolls her eyes and pulls the curtains closed.

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