22::: criminals for a girl

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Welcome back my loves:)

I was just on a three week long missions trip and I enjoyed every second! God is so good and I'm happy to know him.

I hope you like this next chapter.

This one is for you Velmah14 sorry this dedication is a little late but thanks for commenting and being a supporter ;)

Comment and vote for a dedication <3

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"Ew, Meg, stop snoring." I groan as I roll over onto my other side, my back aching uncomfortably.

Ugh why is my bed so hard?

Why does it smell like pee?

I sit up, my eyes squinting at the sun coming through the small slit in the wall these police officer jerks call a window.

Holding my hand over my brow as a visor, I look around the small room.

Everything from last night comes back to me. The silly string fight, getting arrested, and coming back here with...

My eyes widen and my head moves slowly to a spot on the hard cement floor, Zedd sprawled out with the pillow from the cot and a spare blanket.

I wince at how uncomfortable he looks and I can't help but feel bad for him.

And I felt sorry for myself for sleeping on a not so soft cot.

First world problems.

Shift around, pulling the blanket closer to my chest as I realize I spent the night in the same room (or cell) as a male.


I tuck my knotty and probably really frizzy hair behind my ear before searching for a hair tie on my wrist.

No such luck.

I sigh and by habit reach for my phone but quickly remember that they took it when they threw us in here along with my ten dollar bill, my chapstick, and my bank card which was inside my phone case.

My hands pat all of my pockets to make sure they took everything. I'm pretty sure I had a couple pieces of...

"Aha." I grin as my fingers find the two pieces of gum I had shoved into my front pocket.

They probably figured I'd need these. And they were right.

I unwrap one of them and pop it into my mouth.

I savor the taste of spearmint as I watch the sleeping boy on the floor. When is he going to wake up?

I roll my eyes before grasping the pillow behind me, about to chuck it at his red head but I pause.

Ugh I really want to but...we're trying to be sort of nice to each other now right?

I force myself to release the pillow before quietly standing up and taking the few steps that separate his sleeping spot from my bed.

I crouch down, my hand hovering over his arm for a second before I gently lay it on his shoulder, shaking him slightly. "Zedd. Zedd, wake up." I whisper, looking out of the metal bars and at the door at the end of the hall.

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