12::: a bonfire for a girl

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"I should be so mad at you right now." Meg tisks in a way to make me feel guilty.

And I do.

I was meant to tell her how the date went last week so we could decide who the winner of the bet is.

But, knowing she had won by a long shot, I avoided her for the past eight days unwilling to relent to the inevitable.

I sigh, placing my head in my hands. "I know, I know. But I didn't want to admit that you won and I definitely didn't want to host a bonfire if Zedd had to come. I mean, can't you see where I'm coming from?" I ask.

She groans, throwing her head back. "I can't believe I forgive you so easily."

I smile, throwing my arms around her. "Thanks Meg. And I promise I'll throw that stupid hang out bonfire thing." I wave my hand.

Her brow raises in challenge and she gives me a stern look. "Tonight?"

I sigh albeit knowing that there's no way out of this. "Let me check with my parents."

"Yes! It's going to be so fun, just you wait." She informs me excitedly, squeezing my arm with a squeal.

"Ah. Arm please, thank you." I rub my injured arm as she releases it.

"Whoops, sorry Max."

"Whatever. I'll be right back." I grumble before shuffling up to my room to grab my phone.

After the whole fiasco this morning I needed to vent to someone about my idiotic brother and my almost first kiss. Who better than my best friend?

Especially after the way Aze darted out of my window like his pants were on fire.

My father had to dash to the office for a last minute meeting, claiming he'd be back in time for dinner but we all know he likes to stay late at the office and use the ridiculously fast wifi to watch his favorite shows on Netflix. I text him and let him know that I'm having a couple friends over tonight, knowing he won't mind.

As for my mom, she's out with a couple of her girlfriends having a spa day. I also leave her a message hoping she's cool with it.

I shove my phone into my jeans pocket before shuffling back downstairs.

"-yeah I totally agree." I walk in on Megan as she giggles into the phone. I'm guessing that's Zedd... "So, as I was saying, you should totally come. . .oh really? That's so funny! Okay, see you tonight. Bye." She drawls out before hanging up and jumping out of her chair, doing a little jig.

"So I'm guessing he's coming." I speak in an unamused tone and she sighs.

"You're always so morbid when it comes to Zedd. Like, I get that you guys have hated each other since the beginning of time and whatnot. But, this has got to stop. What's going to happen if Zedd and I end up happily dating? What will you do then?"

"Hate him and hope that's enough to make him drop dead so you can go out with someone I actually slightly like. What about Darren? He's a great guy." I suggest, hoping to steer her away from the thought of a possible relationship between her and my arch nemesis.

She chuckles, waving a hand at me as if the thought is ridiculous. "Oh please, that's over and done with. We've both moved on."

Something tells me that's not quite true...

I shrug and say nothing before walking up the stairs to Garrett's room. I knock a couple times before I have permission to enter, hoping he's not still mad at me.

"What do you want."

Okay I guess I have my answer. . .

"Um...if you're still upset about earlier, you're being way too sensitive. He was just going to kiss me. One little kiss." I groan, stepping into his room and closing the door.

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