"The End"

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Hey guys.

I decided that I'm no longer interested in the Eddsworld fandom nor am I interested in finishing this story.
I'm really sorry to disappoint you all, but!!
I will give you guys spoilers for what should have happened if I were to have finished this book! :)
[skip the bold to get the summary of the End of the book]

First: A Thank You.
As many of you might know, I wrote this story on a whim. After feeling in the mood to write an angsty and horrible story, I wrote this! At first, I had no plans for it... but as it went on, I found a plot and wanted to stick with it!

I admit, I'm not that proud of this story and I'm especially not proud of how I ended it... but I didn't want to leave any of you hanging, so I decided to give you guys a short summary of how the book would have ended!

The Hanahaki Disease has always been a bittersweet subject for me, but I still liked the idea!

In fact... I even created a modification for it and I used it in my story!
The original Hanahaki Disease was described as flowers in your lungs that only grow with unrequited love.

I changed that definition up and made it where it was a scirocco dresses where certain ferns would plug up the wind pipe when a certain amount of blood pressure was added to the equation... and the right amount of blood pleasure only came when someone was experiencing heart break!

Thank you so much for all the lovely comments, votes, art, and friends that I've met along the way! I love you all!
Thank you.


Story plot:
Matt reveals to Tom the truth behind him knowing about the Hanahaki Disease, which is a long and complicated story that can only be summed up as....
He used to have it!!
And with his grandmother's help and money, he was able to pay for the surgery that took out the source of the flowers, thus removing the disease and attraction at a whole.
However, Matt finds, his feelings for his sweetheart didn't completely dismiss, so he was warned that if he ever acted upon his feelings and was given heart break... he might get the disease again. This is why Matt doesn't act upon his crush.
Tom asks Matt who his crush is, and after a long time of convincing, Matt reveals that he fell for Edd years ago. Edd is the reason why Matt used to have the Hanahaki Disease. This happened in high school.
Tom takes into consideration of Matt's past and story and realizes that he should do something about his Disease before it's too late. He's too poor to pay for the surgery so he has no other choice but to get rid of the disease in another way.
So he decides to give Tord a chance.
Reluctantly, however.
Tom sets up multiple dates with Tord, which ends up with Tord becoming angry and aware of the game that Tom is playing. Tord is convinced that Tom is trying to make him fal in love with him, only to break his heart. Which was the case in the past, but now Tom is playing a different game of trying to make it where they genuinely like each other.
But Tord is unaware of this.
So Tord pulls Tom aside and makes an act and says that he's fallen for Tom and is absolutely head over heels. However, as Tom is convinced, Tord ends up manipulating him into a position of weakness and locking him in a room. With this, he threatens Tom.
Tom then is afraid and his only way of defending himself is by threatening Tord back, which results in him asking a lot of questions regarding who Ms. Minty is and what are the papers on Tord's desk mean.
Tord reveals the truth.
He says that those papers deal with his big, important plans. He's worked on these plans before Tom even decided to become a person. He goes onto explain that everything he worked for is more than Tom will ever accomplish ever in his life.
Tom is heartbroken and hurt.
Tord then goes onto explain that he's important and that he's powerful, so powerful that he has enemies. Ms. Minty is an enemy and she needs to be stopped. Which is why he killed her.
Tom is shocked to hear that Tord killed Ms. Minty, but he finds that a little bit of him is relieved that he doesn't have to be jealous anymore. As sick as that thought is, he still has it.
Tord then threatens Tom some more and claims that he could kill Tom if he wanted to or not.
This shuts Tom up because he knows deep down that he could.
Tord than goes on to say that he doesn't want to be associated with Tom ever again, and that this will be the last night that he will ever see him again.
With this, Tord initiates an abusive relationship by stepping forward and taking the hands of Tom, kissing them and treating Tom better than he ever has before. He tells Tom that he thinks he's cute for trying to figure Tord out, but then he reminds Tom that he is stupid for thinking he could find anything out. Tom is stuck and can't move, too freaked out on what's happening to do anything about it.
They spend the rest of the night together.
Tom awakes up and Tord is gone, packed up, and leaving outside.
Tom sees him leave and barely gets the chance to say goodbye.
Setting and storyline:
The End
Tom eventually got over the disease, quenching his wonders after that night with Tord. He no longer feels the petals anymore and he no longer feels the pain. He's free and no longer in love.
But then Tord comes back and Tom is faced with the same man who made his life a living hell.
And then he feels that pain in the base of his throats that tells him it's happening again.

Unfortunately, I can't post all the art you guys sent me, but just know this:
I loved it all!
Thank you so much for all the contributions you've made!
I hope you all enjoyed this journey as much as I did!

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