Chapter 8 - Birthday (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"THE TICKLE MONSTER IS RELEASED" I yelled in Caitlin's ear and started tickling her.

"Oh no! Haha Stop haha! Per-Haha stop!"

"Okay, okay" I grinned and let go off my sister.

"It's your chance Jade! CATCH HER!" Caitlin yelled. Oh shit, I'm trapped! I stood up from where I was seating and rushed into my bedroom but Jade's fast. Her back is resting on my door so I can't lock it. Shit.

"Well hello Edwards" she smirked.

"Hey Thirlwall"

"Can I come in"

"Sure" I replied making a few steps backwards so I wasn't blocking the entarance anymore. Jade smiles and walks in my room. I love my bedroom. The walls are purple and full of Jade posters. Hehe that's kind of awkward.

Jade's face is priceless, "Whehey your like my biggest fan" she said, braking the silence. You have no idea.

"I thought l'm more than just a fan" I teased.

Jade smirked, "Exactly. You think that you're m-"

I kissed her cutting her off. Our lips fitting perfectly on each other's, my tongue exploring every inch of her mouth as she accidently lets a moan escape from her throat. I pull back, smirking.

"Do you kiss every fan of yours with such a passion"

"Pftt, NO!" she said, stucking her tongue out at me. "Well...Not every fan but.." What. Huh. Excuse me. Repeat that again please.

Jade must have noticed that I'm shocked and she just giggles. Thank God, she's joking!

"I'm kidding Pezz, you're my one and only" she said, hugging me. I hug her back, kissing her neck. I feel so safe, so loved.

"What about that birthday celebration huh" she asked.

"Um...My mom must be home soon and we can stay for a family night.." I replied her with a smile, which she returned.

"Wait...What's your mom's name"

"Deborah or Debbie or Deb! Haha call her whatever you'd like"

"Awh, she has a pretty name! My mom's name is N-"

"Norma, I know" I cut her off with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, I forgot" she said, staring at the ground.

"What is it Jadey"

"Again, I don't know a thing about you Perrie"

"Ask me now" I grinned, "Come oonn honey boo!"

"Honey boo?" she chuckled. Oh. Doesn't she like it?

"Of course you wouldn't like it" I mumbled.

"What? No! I love it" she smiled. I had to smile back. Her smile makes you want to smile too, it's that magical.

"Soo ask me will you"

"Yeah um...What's your favourite food"

"Oh that's an easy one" I smiled. "I like every kind of food" I said and she chuckled lightly.




"Caitlin, sweetheart! I'm home!" my mom yelled. My mom is home! I miss my mommy!

"Moooommyyyy!" I squalled, rushing downstairs.

"Perrie? Happy Birthday baby girl! Oh my God, Perrie!" my mom said, hugging me. "Caitlin and I've missed you terribly! Where have you been after that Jade Thirlwell event? Caitlin told me you where with a friend, is-"

"Mooom" I groaned, "It's Thirlwall, T H I R L W A L L! Got it? Great" I smiled, "And I" How the fish am i suppossed to tell her.

"Hi Mrs Edwards" Jade smiled entering the room.

"Is t-that a prank or the pop star on your posters" my mom asked, wide eyed.

"I'm Jade. Jade Thirlwall" Jade said, shaking my mom's hand. "And I...uh...From the f-first time I saw your daughter...I liked her a-and now we're a... couple" she stammered, moving closer to where I'm standing. Please be ok with that. Please be a cool mother.

"Oh" was all she said. Oh no.

"Mom...I love her and she loves me. I'm really, really happy"

"Well the thing is...That...." What. "I already knew" she smiled. "I absolutely love you together, I'm the biggest Jerrie shipper out there" my mom stated proudly, making me chuckle.

"Thanks mommy, you are the best!" I said, hugging her tight.

"Trust me I know!", my mom smirked. "Uh.. Jade, dear. We are not dangerous, you can come closer if you'd like" she said, still smirking and Jade blushed.

"Okay.. Thanks Mrs Ed-"

My mom cut Jade off, "Call me Deb or else there's no food for you" she said in a strict tone. Jade looks dumbfounded. She's joking, like come on!

"Jade, she's kidding, relax" Caitlin giggled. Where did she came from.

"How did you-" I kind of asked my sister, because she cut me off.

"I was in the living room, watching cartoons"

"I love cartoons!" Jade squalled and clapped her hands in excitement. Awe, that's my cutie.

"We'll watch some later yeah" Caitlin asked her.

"Of course Cat" Jade smiled.

"Okay guys, come and eat!" my mother yelled from the kitchen.



"...Happy Birthday to you Perrie, happy birthday to you" Everybody sings and I blush. My mom has just served me the first piece of the cake. Mmm it's delicious!

"Deb..." Jade called, shyly.

"What is it dear" my mom smiled.

"Do you have any chocolate biscuits" Jade asked, blushing.

"Of course I do" she said, handing her a box made of glass. "Here, take as many as you'd like"

"Thanks Deb" Jade smiled, grabbing a biscuit.




"Mooooom! Jade's staying over!" I yelled from upstairs.

"It's fine with me but my bedroom's next door so don't be too loud" my mom yelled back, Jade and I blushing. How did she know!

"Haha, your mom's cool" Jade giggled and laid on the bed. I laid next to her, "She is. Did you have fun"

"Yeah! I love it here Pezz" Jade smiled.

"And I love you. Good night" I smiled and pecked her lips. I'm so tired.

"Mhmm sweet dreams, I love you too Pezz" Jade said, wrapping her arm around my waist to pull me closer. "Your comfy" I heard Jade mumbling before I drifted off to sleep.


Hola amigos! How are you? :) Do you like the new cover of the book?

I'm sorryyyyyyyyy for the late update, I have tests at school. A math one on Friday and I must get a good mark :3

Vote, comment aaand share dat storeh so that other JERRIE MUFFINS are able to find it ;)


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Have a great day hehee Xx

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