Where It Began (Edited)

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Victoria Singer was just 13 when her father kicked her out of his life. A phrase echos in the young girl's head as she roams around aimlessly.

"No daughter of mine will be some fuckin witch sympathizer!"

Those words, on a continuous loop. That's all she hears.

The great hunter Bobby Singer was her father, emphasis on WAS. Sam was the only one who would ever back her up, but he had been at Stanford for a year at that point and Dean just watched while standing by John. Dean was 23 at the time and he knew and understood that she jacked up. Victoria kept Bobby from killing a girl that was her age, he was convinced that she was a witch but the girl didn't even know what was going on. Victoria stepped in and saved her, letting her run off. Bobby was furious and kicked her out the moment they got back to their hotel room. He threw her bag at her and made her pack everything before sending her off, not unscathed however.

Victoria wandered the streets, she hadn't been to Mystic Falls before today and it was 2 in the morning. She bumped into a woman on accident and immediately flinched, fearing that this woman would hurt her like her father did. The woman looks at her and smiles.

"It's okay, sweetheart. My name is Sheila Bennett. I won't hurt you. What's your name?" "V-Victoria... Victoria Singer..." Sheila raised an skeptical eyebrow at her. "Singer? You're a hunter?" "I don't want to hunt! I hate it! My dad and Uncle John just kill and kill! They made me hunt and now I'm alone because I made dad stop killing a kid he said was a witch! She was my age and so scared I couldn't do it!" Victoria is in tears, her makeup that covers her birthmark and freckles now disappearing. Sheila hugs the girl close before she collapses to the grown, stroking her hair gently. One thought comes to the older woman's mind as she attempts to comfort the young teen.

'She's the one who saved my Bonnie... I can't just leave her alone...' She makes Victoria look at her, using a tissue from her purse to wipe away her tears.

"I'll tell you what, sweetheart. Why don't you come live with me? I don't like hunters either, they're not fair. I can keep you safe and give you the love you never got. How does that sound?" "R-really...?" Sheila nods and takes Victoria home without a second thought. She lets her sit on the couch before grabbing a damp towel and handing it to the girl. Victoria wipes the rest of the makeup away, revealing her freckles and her birthmark on her face. Her birthmark is a section of her face that is slightly darker in color, spread out over the right side of her face, around her right eye, on the right side of her forehead, and a bit of her right cheek. She immediately hides it when Sheila tries to see it. She'd rather the nice lady see her bruising from when her father hit her than her birthmark.

"Let me see sweetheart." "No... It's ugly... I'm ugly..." Sheila's heart breaks and she pets the girl's hair. "I want to try something with you okay? I bet you would feel safer if your family could never find you, right?" She nods. "Well what if we changed your name and hair?" "Okay..." Her pale blue eyes are full of hope. Sheila smiles, trying not to let her expression waver as she sees the bruise on the side of the girl's face from what looks like a hefty slap.

"Think of a name while I get what I need for your hair." Sheila gets black hair dye, scissors, and a straightener to change the girl's long curly light brown hair. She returns and smiles at the teenager.

"Think of one?" She nods. "Brooklyn... And for a last name... Winters... I wasn't allowed to read books that weren't research very often but I have this one book and the main character has the last name Winters... Plus I like Brooklyn..." "I think that sounds beautiful. Now, I'm going to straighten your hair, we're gonna cut it short, then color it. Okay?" Brooklyn nods.
She looks at herself in the mirror, barely recognizing herself. She touches her shoulder length straight black hair, not believing it's her anymore. She smiles and tucks her hair behind her ears, showing off her birthmark. Sheila loves the happiness she sees. The woman gets a text from her granddaughter.

Bonnie: "Can I come over? Dad is mad and I don't want to hear him yelling."

She responds with a yes. Twenty minutes, a knock at the door scares Brooklyn. She jumps nearly off the couch and another small one when she feels Sheila gently rub her shoulder before opening the door.

"It's alright sweetheart, it's my granddaughter." Bonnie comes in and hugs Sheila. "Grams!" "Hey, sugar." "Y-you're that girl..." "You changed your hair?! Wait, why is she here?" "She's all alone, no home anymore. So I took her in and we gave her a new identity. She's going to live with me now and I'm going to take care of her." Bonnie goes and hugs Brooklyn, startling the already on edge girl. She gives a loose hug back and smiles a tiny bit.

"Thank you by the way for risking everything to save me." "It wasn't fair for you to get killed for no reason." Brooklyn smiles at Bonnie, a real smile this time. Bonnie returns the smile with an even bigger one.

"I think we'll be great friends... um..." "Brooklyn." "Brooklyn. I'm gonna call you Lyn and only I can. I'm Bonnie." "Then I get to call you Bon and no one else can." Both girls laughs. "Forget friends we're sisters now." Brooklyn is practically beaming at Bonnie's statement, she feels more loved right now than she has in years. Sheila leads them both to where Bonnie sleeps when she's here and tucks both girls into bed.

"Hey Lyn?" "Yeah Bon?" "My grams is super nice, you'll be well taken care of. You look sickly skinny, grams will change that." "You two are so nice to me... I cannot thank you enough..." She yawns and falls asleep beside Bonnie. Bonnie falls asleep soon after.

In the living room, however, Sheila Bennett is working on a protection spell on a pendant that she's giving to Brooklyn.

"I'm not letting anyone or anything hurt that poor girl again." The witch finishes her spell and places the pendent on the ex-hunter's sleeping form. The girl doesn't even stir, showing Sheila that she feels safe and is placing her trust in the woman despite her being basically a stranger. It bring a smile to her face, though some sorrow is still in her eyes. This girl has been through enough hell.

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