Enemy Love (Chapter 2)

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Chapter 2


"I really don't get him," I muttered, watching my little brother, Jason. "Yo, bro," I yelled, "What are you doing? You run around trees, not into them."

"Trying to do a back-flip," he barked back in his wolf form.

You could always understand English in your wolf form and you could even talk to others who were also in wolf form, but to everyone else it just sounded like barking. Or so I've been told, I've always understood what people said to me in wolf form while I was in human form, I never really thought about it.

"You're gonna kill yourself bro," I told him, "and I am going to laugh."

"Will not," he huffed, then tried again. He sprinted towards and oak tree then jumped, he did a half flip this time but landed flat on his back. He whimpered.

"Shift back, Isidore wants to talk to us back at home. Why? I have no freaking clue." I turned and walked back to our place without even looking to see if he was following me. "Yo, Isidore, you here, man?" I called when I got back to the house.

"In here," he called from the kitchen, and when I got there, he was raiding our fridge.

"Iz! Man, get your own food! That's my food your eating!" I complained.

"'Ey, mere mousin, mude," he said, with his mouth full.

"You know it's sad when I understand that. Swallow then talk, it helps." I said and grabbed the carton of milk from his hand then took a drink out of it before handing it back to him.

"Dude, okay," he said swallowing, "I just got called by one of the Elders." He sat up on the counter, "Apparently the fighting between us and Them have gotten worse. We're suppose to find a safer way to 'terminate' them, as they put it."

"Who are we terminating?" Jason asked, walking into the kitchen, in his human form this time.

"Oh, some mice and snakes that are loose in my house. You wanna help? I've got one bag if you wanna see what you're working with," Isidore smirked.

Jason went pale. "Uh, no thanks, I-uh, I got a date and I have to get ready."

I laughed. "Two things little bro, have a more manly excuse and get over your fear of snakes, you're twelve, not five."

"I wasn't making an excuse," he called as he ran up the stairs at a dead run.

"I don't know why you wanted him here other than to terrorize him," I mumbled to Isidore.

He laughed. "I never told you I wanted him here," he said slyly then smirked.

I just stared at him. "Anyway, what do they mean by 'safer'?"

"I have no clue. But they want us on the front line. I told them to shove it."

I grinned, yeah, Isidore would say that. "What about pulling a James Bond?" I asked after a moment.

"What do you mean?"

"Get a man on the inside, like a spy or something. If they say in human form, than no one will be able to tell that they're from our pack."

He tapped my head. "Ya know, maybe there's somethin' in there after all."

I shoved his hand away. "More than in yours," I mumbled, irked. "So who's the poor sap who's gonna do it?"

He groaned. "You know we won't be able to get anyone else to do it....Crap."

I smirked. "I know who could do it."


I groaned as I went into the file room. "Are you joking me?! How the heck am I suppose to find their files in here?" I muttered to myself. I looked around at the filing cabinets up to the ceiling.

I sighed, going over to the cabinets and staring at the first one. "Oh, they're alphabetized...." I said like an idiot, shaking my head I tried to remember their names.

Think...come on, it wasn't that long ago, you should remember her name. It's not like this is the first time you've done this, my mind thought. Okay, no, think of the names, not what happened. "Aha!" I yelled as I finally remembered the names of the girls.

I went over to the filing cabinet that was labeled I. "Alright, come on, they should be in here," I muttered, shuffling through the multiple manila folders in the cabinets.

"There you are, you know you can't hide from me any longer," I whispered to myself while pulling out the two files. I smirked; this is exactly what I need.

As I drove back up to Quinn's, I pulled the folders out of my bag and onto my lap. Driving up into the parking lot, I noticed Jason walking out of the house with some girl. Heck, I guess he really was telling the truth about his date, who woulda thought? I parked my car, opening up the door and smirking at Jason.

"Hey, you sure you don't want to help me and your brother out with the snake problem?"

His face went ghostly pale. He glanced over at the girl who was attached to his arm and was staring at me like I was some freak. "Nah, I don't want to leave Jess here all alone, besides, I've been waiting for this date for a while," He said while smiling at her.

I snorted. "Yeah, sure, whatever," I muttered while grabbing the folders and walking into the house. Before I got to the door I heard Jess ask Jason something.

"Oh my goodness, isn't that Isidore?!"

"Yeah, he's kind of my cousin," Jason said, trying to act cool again.

I walked into the house, laughing so hard I almost fell to the floor.

All of a sudden I hear Quinn his my name. "Isidore! Be quite," he whispered from the far window. "I'm trying to hear what they're saying."

I looked over at him, smirking. "You wanna hear what they're saying?"

"Yes, now shut it!"

I smirked lightly, opening the front door. "Hey, Jason! Your brother wishes for you and your girl to talk louder!" I yelled out to them, shutting the door afterwords. I smirked. "There you go."

"Iz, you...you...ugh!" he yelled at me while getting up from the window and plopping down on the couch.

"Dude, I needed your attention. And you don't needa be spying on him, he'll make a fool out of himself anyway," I said while tossing the folders down on the coffee table in front of him. "There, that's everything on them that we have."

"I know he will," he muttered while picking up the folders and looking through them, "That's why I wanted to watch."

I just laughed, sitting on the chair in front of him. "And you say I'm mean to him? Sure," I smirked, "So, which one would you pick?"

Quinn snorted. “No way I'm takin' the Goth, so that other one, the quiet one.”

I just smirked. “Perfect. I get to manipulate her again.”

Quinn raised his eyebrows at me. "You sound excited about that."

"I am. It's nice to meet up with old....'friends'," I said while chuckling softly. "So we got our plan set?" I asked while picking up her file, looking at the gorgeous girl's picture on the inside. Isis, I told you we would meet again, I thought while smirking.

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