Part Five: The Baby and the Happy Ending

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"What are you doing up?" my mom asks noticing me standing by the couch.

"I couldn't sleep mommy" I answer.

"Come here next to me and tell me why you can't sleep." she says rushing her arms out for me.

I sit on the couch next to my mom and ask, "Did you want me mommy when I was born?"

"Of course I wanted you, why would you ask me that?" she says holding me in her arms.

"I don't know because Haley said you didn't. She said the only reason you wanted me is because you had to." I say.

"That's not true Razor you should know that. Your daddy and I wanted the both of you so bad and we're glad we have you." she says in her soft sweet voice.

"Why did you want us so bad?" I ask confused.

"Darling, Daddy and I were trying to have a baby for years because we wanted a family. Then five years later the both of you came along. We were thrilled when we found out and I would never want it any other way. I can't imagine live without the both of you." she says.

"Why couldn't you have a baby?" I reply.

"Sometimes babies don't happen so quickly Razor they take time." she explains.

"Did it hurt mommy when you had me?" I ask.

"Oh yes it hurt very much just ask your dad but I think it was worth the pain." she says looking over at my dad.

"I know it was worth it." my dad says giving a smile.


I look into her hazel eyes knowing everything I went through for her to get here was worth it. All the pain, the morning sickness, thinking I was crazy and everything else because she's perfect. As I hold her in my arms nothing else matters right now. "She's beautiful Razor." Haley says sitting on the bed next to me.

"None of this felt real until now that she is actually here in my arms." I say as I continue to stare into her eyes.

"What are you going to name her?" Haley asks.

"I don't know I never thought about names before." I reply feeling a bit bad about never thinking of a name to give her.

"It doesn't matter for now whatever you name her will probably fit her. She looks like Lukas doesn't she?" she says causing me to see the resemblance and wish he was here. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." she says trying to apologize.

"It's okay Haley I'm fine. I can't tell him can I?" I ask looking away from her and at our dad who is standing at the door.

"I don't know if we can trust him Razor. I thought you weren't talking to him anymore?" he replies.

"I haven't been since I tried telling him months ago. It's probably best not to anyway since I don't think he would ever believe me."

"Don't worry Razor you don't need him and neither does she. You have dad and I and that's all you need." she says trying to cheer me up.

"I know Charlotte and I will be just fine." I reply.


Four years later...

"Daddy where do babies come from and how are they made?" Charlotte asks as we sit on the couch watching a movie.

"If I tell you I want you to listen. Do you promise to listen and do as daddy says?" I ask.

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