"I give up." Jaehyun said, going back to lean on the wall.

Soon, the others starts getting tired as well. Bomin had to leave after he reached 70, Daeyeol barely made it to 75. Youngtaek stopped around the same time as Jibeom at 80. Jangjun unexpectedly made it to 90.

"Sungyoon fighting!!!" The others shouted excitedly. Sungyoon is still running in the same pace.

Jangjun stopped running at 92 and went back.

At last, Sungyoon stopped at 107.

"That's an amazing record." Jaein said, her eyes widened. Sungyoon just chuckled.

"Next round." Ryu said.

"Also keep in mind that the results for girls and boys are really different." Minah said.

"Yeah, you guys might be shocked once you do the test." Mijin said with a smile.

The people started running. And they were shocked to see the girls records way lower than the boys records. Jaein and Arim both had to stop at 50s while Chaejung did her best but only got 80.

"T-that was... tiring." Arim said while breathing heavily, leaning on the wall. Bomin passed her a bottle of water.

"We'll play some games after this. Right?" Sungyoon asked, looking at the production team while passing a bottle of water to Jaein.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it won't be tiring." Minah answered.

"Duh, if it's tiring we'd all be dead." Jaeseok complained.

"Quit complaining." Ryu lightly pushed Jaeseok and gave him some water.

"Guys, are you good at lying?" Mijin suddenly asked everyone, holding a stack of cards.

"Y-yes! Of course I am!" Jangjun replied. Everyone facepalmed.

"Why? It's related to the game?" Joochan asked.

"Exactly. This game will be about trust, and lying." Ryu said with an evil smile.

"Ah, scary." Bomin shook his head.

"All of you, form into two groups. We'll start the game... now." Minah said.

Everyone quickly moved, and finally sat in two separate circles.


"Hey guys! I'll be teaching... alone. Expect me to fail badly. Anyone knows the game too?" Minah said, joining a circle.

"Me, how can you forget that?!" Jaein asked, looking at her in disbelief.

"Hehehe..." Minah laughed.

"So basically, we'll distribute the cards to everyone and they'll have to pair the cards up first. Keep the cards to yourself and don't show others." Minah said, splitting the stack of cards in half, passing half of them to Jaein.

"Dude." Jaein looks at the huge stack of cards in her hands.

"We're demonstrating." Minah fought back.

"Just start already!" Donghyun complained while laughing.

"Okay, after we're done pairing the cards, we'll take turns to put the cards out face down while saying what did we put down. For example, I'm now putting down 4 10s." Minah said, putting down 4 cards face down on the floor.

"But you could choose to say the truth, or lie, while Jaein, could choose to trust me or not. This could go a few ways." Minah explained, then took a deep breath due to the non stop talking just now.

"So... I could either say pass, then she keeps putting down whatever she wants. Or I can put down one or two more cards, but it has to be the same card the the one she puts down. For example, if she said 4 10s, I could put down another card saying 5 10s." Jaein explained, putting down another card in the stack.

"Basically you need to call out the total number of cards in the stack when you put down something until everyone says pass?" Sungyoon questioned, and Jaein nodded.

"But if I know she's lying, I could flip her card over." Minah continued her tutorial, flipping the card over, it's a 9.

"In that case, I'd have to take the whole stack of cards into my own stack. But if Minah is the one lying and I flipped her card over, she'd have to take back the cards too." Jaein said.

"So is that all?" Joochan questioned.

"Yes, seems easy doesn't it? Shall we start?" Minah asked.



"Yay I'm not alone, I'm with Mijin!" Ryu cheered, hugging Mijin tightly.

"Let me go!!!" Mijin exclaimed.

Then they demonstrated how to play, basically like how Minah and Jaein played.

"You all understand?" Mijin and Ryu asked in sync.



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