Chapter 15: A Monster Who Loves

Start from the beginning

Whether she admits it or not, it is pretty obvious she cares for me. She thinks I could change and even though I am rude to her, she still maintains her opinion about me and treats me nice. It makes me sometimes wonder how could someone like me find such a pure and innocent girl like her. 

She and her brother we practically the only saint in this town. Even the religious lady was a slut before she found 'God'. She may have fooled everyone else but I know she goes around hopping from dick to dick. Like they say, a slut on Saturday, a saint on Sunday.

As we drove up to the mansion, we were greeted with security. Leonard rolled his window down and the guard shot him a glare before looking at me.

"Name?" he barked.

I rolled my eyes, "Victor. He's expecting me," I hissed at him.

The guard looked behind him to the booth where another guy was inside talking on the phone. I let out an annoyed sigh and laid back in my seat. It would honestly be much easier to blow this guy's brain out. Eventually, we got through and the gates opened indicating we could go in.

We drove up to the house and got out only to be met with more guards. We were then guided inside and led to the office. Stopping in front, I went to turn the knob but a hand landed on my shoulder causing me to growl and look towards the guy.

He had one hand on my shoulder and the other clutched to his gun that was strapped across his chest. "Before you go in, I need you to place all your weapons on the table," he nodded next to me which had a small decorative table.

Letting out a groan, I removed my hand from the doorknob and started to empty my pocket. I then took out my pistol and combat knife and placed it on the table. I turned to the guy who was just eyeing me along with his butt buddies. I raised my hand up indicating he could search me. He didn't even hesitate one bit and I don't blame him. McFaul owed me money and he knew what I was capable off. It was pretty clear he was scared of me.

Not finding anything, the guy then nodded towards the door. As I opened the door, I looked over to my guys who knew to where there. As I walked in, one of the guard pulled the door shut behind me.

"Ahh, Mr. Sullivan," McFaul addressed me by my fake last name as he sat behind his desk. As I walked up to his desk, I swiftly looked around the room and saw there was no guards or any weapons around.

"McFaul," I responded as I walked up to his desk and sat down in one of the guest chairs. "About your money, I'm getting a shipment next week and I promise you will get your money on Saturday," he stated.

I shook my head, "McFaul, I came for my money today. Today was your deadline. I gave you two extensions and you know how I hate giving extensions," I hissed as I got up.

I watched as he swallowed the lump in his throat.


I stated to walk around the room examining his office. "Mr. Sullivan, I'm sorry. Please, I just need a few more day," he pleaded. I turned on my heels to look at him. "This is a nice mansion you got," I spoke.

A proud smile rose to his face, "Thank you," he relied.

My eyebrow rose, "How much did you pay for it?"

"About 12 million plus some more for advancement," he admitted.

"Wow, 12 mill?" I asked.

He nodded his head with the same stupid smile.

"Yet you can't fucking pay me back 1 mill?" I gritted my teeth. His smile drop and I watched as he tensed up as my tone. I walked up to him and noticed he had one of his hand under the table meaning he probably had some weapon or his little panic button.

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