Chapter 3

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My alarm on my phone blared "I Write Sins Not Tragedies", even though I hate getting up in the morning I just had to get up and start singing and dancing to the song its just the emo in me. I then hear someone start laughing and I turn around and see Matt leaning against my doorway. "I didn't know you were such a morning person it must be the Texas air." "Hahaha, no its because no one can resist singing and dancing to this song and if they do I don't trust them and they must die." I yelled the last part making Matt and now my mom start to laugh. Soon my mom started dancing as well as Matt after a bit. "Ok let's stop seeing that," I said referring to Matt and my mother's dancing, "You guys really need to work on your dancing before your wedding, jeez." They both made looks feigning insult making me laugh. After our little dance party I got dressed and went downstairs to get food. Ah food, the only good thing in this world besides music. As soon as I get to the kitchen I pour myself a big mug of coffee. "I think you have enough energy Mav with all that dancing you did," laughed my mom. "I need this because of the dancing I didn't have energy in the first place I was just working off of adrenaline. So ha," I say sticking my tongue out at her. "Sure whatever you say." I sat down in front of my bagel and started to eat. We were talking about Matt's new job and my mom finding a job. 

"So Mav you ready for school?" Matt asked making me choke on my bagel. "Sure........ I'm as ready as a baby developing." I said voice filled with sarcasm. "Mav your going to do fine," Matt said. "Ya sure whatever. I got to go." "You want a ride in I got to go to the hospital to hand in my medical papers anyways," Matt said. "Sure why not I'm probably going to hate everyone on the bus anyways and I can always be late to school." "Okay. Bye Honey." "Bye Mom." "Bye sweetie good luck at your first day, I love you." My mom yelled as me and Matt walked out the door. On the way to the hospital I put on the radio and blasted "This Is Gospel" that is my favorite song by Panic! At The Disco. I couldn't help but hear over the music Matt laughing. "What?" "Oh nothing just the way your acting." "What do you mean the way I'm acting." "Forget it." "Okay?" I said and started to sing the song. When we reached the hospital Matt went in and I stayed in the car and when he got back we went to Dunkin' Donuts and I got an ice coffee and a strawberry glazed donut as a back to school at a new school present from Matt, yes I just ate a bagel but food is my weakness don't judge me. I wasn't objecting I would need as much comfort that I could get for today.

*A 20 minute car ride later*

When we reached the school Matt parked near the door and we went in together. As soon as we walked in all eyes were on us as we made our way to the main office to get my schedule. We walked and the receptionist immediately asked "Can I help you?" "Uh, yes I'm here to get my step daughter's schedule she's new here," Matt said to the lady. "Maverick Addams," I said. The receptionist starts typing away on her computer getting everything I needed when a man in his late 40s walked out of an office, so I'm gonna assume he's the principal. "You must be Maverick, it's a pleasure to welcome you to our school." The principal said to me. "Thanks." "If you need anything at all I'm here all the time." "Thanks." I said as Matt and I shake his hand before he leaves the office. "Here is your schedule and a map of the school to help you navigate it. Oh and here is a late pass for your class." she said handing me all of the paperwork. "Ok thank you." "All set then, monster?" Matt says to me. "I guess so." "Okay well good luck and text me if you need anything." He says giving me a big hug before parting ways. "Bye Matt." 

I then brave the school halls and try to find my English class. It was pretty easy since the halls were empty and the classroom was actually close to the office. I walk into the class and all eyes turned to me causing me to panic sightly. I give the teacher my late pass and was about to make a beeline to the empty seat in the back but sadly he had to say the words I've been dreading since moving here. "How about you introduce yourself?" "Well, I'm uh Maverick and I-I just moved here from New York. That's about it about me," I finish and was about to take my seat but that wasn't enough for him. "What are your hobbies?" "uh I like to uhm read and talk to my best friend. Now may I please go sit?" I say with pleading eyes with my anxiety and irritation bubbling through. "Sure," I bolted to my seat and he continued his lesson on some book to the class. I've already read the book at my old school so I zoned out trying to calm my nerves about the rest of the day. One thing is for sure, if I have to introduce myself in every class today I think I'm gonna explode.

*End of the Day*

Surprise, surprise. I had to introduce myself in every class. Words could not explain the irritation and anxiety I have felt all day because of that. Thank you amazing teachers really looking out for all of your students there. My mom decided to pick me up today. "Hi sweetie how was your first day of school?" My mom asked. "Uhm.. Okay I guess." "Wanna get some ice cream?" "IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION!!!!!!!" "I'll take my bursted eardrum as a yes then?" "YES! Plus sorry 'bout your ear." I said giving her a timid smile as she held her ear. When we got to the ice cream parlor I got rocky road because it's my favorite flavor and I need my happy food, which I guess is all food but I think you get the point. As we were walking out with our frozen joy I felt my phone vibe. It was Tracy, my girlfriend from New York we decided to try long distance to see if we can get through it, I got really happy because I missed her.



T-Hi babe

M-Hey baby

T-How was your first day?

M-I've had better first days

T-Oh what happened

M-Just teens and teachers being dicks nothing new

T-Oh that sucks. I really miss you;(

M-I know I miss you too

T-I'm sorry I got to go before Mr.D catches me on my phone

M- Detention again? What did you do this time?

T-The usual gtg Love you

M- Love you too.

"Why so bummed I thought you loved rocky road?" "I do I'm just upset." "About?" "Tracy I feel like were going through a rocky road, hehe pun, but I feel like she's keeping stuff from me and never makes time to talk to me." "Well that is to be expected when your going from a close relationship to long distance its hard. Do you still trust her if you feel she's hiding things?" "I don't know." "I know that she's your first love but if you can't trust her you shouldn't be together even if you love her. As the lyrics from 'This is Gospel' say 'If you love me let me go'." "Hahahaha. Ya I guess I'll give her a week or two before I do anything to see if anything changes." "Okay." This is one of the many reasons why I love my mom even though she doesn't know much about same sex relationships she still tries her best and supports me no matter what happens. When we got home, I went to my room and fell asleep exhausted from today. I just hope tomorrow is a better day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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