Chapter 2

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"Mav it's time to go," Matt said reeling me out of my thoughts. I was finally leaving this God awful and cruel town, I have been put through so much shit here I was happy I was finally being set free. But with all the bad stuff there was a bunch of good memories here; my brother and I grew up here, I met my best friend here, my first kiss and girlfriend was here. This was also the last place I interacted with my dad. So as freeing as it was leaving, it was also very sad. "Okay," I say with one last look around the house going down memory lane. I was crying with a smile as I closed the door behind my retreating body. I grab my bag and box that was waiting for me at the door and headed to the car packing up the last of everything before getting. Matt and my mom were in the front talking quietly to themselves with me in the back crying and holding my dad's dogtags around my neck. As we pull away from my childhood home I put in my headphones and listen to "Way to Good at Goodbyes" by Sam Smith.

Once we made it to airport we checked in our stuff and went through security. Then we got lunch at one of the many resturants at JFK airport. After that we got some water and snacks for the plane before heading to our gate, when we sat down my phone vibrated meaning I got a text. Now the million dollar question who is it? Was it my lovely girlfriend? Or was it my needy best friend? If you guessed the needy best would be correct.

Ruby: hi :)
Maverick: needy ho
Ruby: that wasnt very nice :  (
Maverick: am i wrong?
Maverick: ha anyways you summoned?
Ruby: yes, hows your gate?
Maverick: how the hell did you even know i was at the airport????
Ruby: youve questioned my ways for years, you really think im gonna start telling you now? ha youd be dumb if you thought that
Maverick: ah yes of course your "magic" trick that toootally isnt the fact of you tracking me without my knowledge
Ruby: hypothetically if i DID track you persay it is only because im a protective concerned friend
Maverick: concerned about what? im literally going to an airport
Ruby: whatever not important
Maverick: whatever. grr if my emotions could just focus on one emotion right now that would be great
Ruby: why what are your feelings bouncing back and forth to?
Maverick: dreading leaving and excitment and anxiety about a new school..again
Ruby: i think we know what the root of you dreading leaving is ;)
Maverick: and what is that?
Ruby: me bitch
Maverick: pfff suuuurrreee and if that wasnt the most cheesiest thing i-
Ruby: yaknow go stick it somewhere else jerk
Ruby: anyways you should be excited and youll do fine at your new school
Maverick: ya and how am i supposed to do well at a school without you?? we all know how it went last time..
Ruby: ..your going to be ok, ok? remember im only a phone call away, i will gladly beat anyones ass for you
Maverick: aw look how sweet my bodyguard is
Ruby: i prefer a knight in shining armor thank you very much
Maverick: omfg
Maverick: cringe
Maverick: literal definition of cringe right there
Ruby: you love me and you know it ho
Maverick: yeah yeah whatever doofus

"Flight 2285 to San Antonio, Texas is now boarding," was announced on the loud speaker.

Maverick: oh hey i gotta go my plane is boarding ill text you when i land
Ruby: you better now fly and please dont die on me
Maverick: no promises ; )
Ruby: dont make me hurt you with that "joke" of yours asshole
Maverick: whatever gotta go luv ya
Ruby: <3

I put my phone away and grab my bag heading to the plane with Matt and my mom.

*Plane Ride* (a/n: I'm lazy sorry)

Once our plane landed we got our luggage, car rental, and headed to our new home. It took two hours to get there from the airport so I took a nap cause why not. We got to the house and like everyone in my life, my mom and Matt did something cringey. Matt unlocked the door and picked my mom up bridal style and walked her in kissing her. I made a gauging sound that dragged them out of their moment kinda glaring at me making me smirk, I would never admit this to their faces but it was actually really cute and so romantic.  We got the stuff out of the car and brought them into the living room. We were lucky enough to have some of our furniture already here and set up thanks to Matt's brother when he was in town. Me being me I plopped myself down on the couch after bring my stuff in when I of course felt a vibration on my leg and that is when I knew I screwed up. I never texted Ruby, you are now looking at a dead girl walking well sitting. Wait how did she get message through to cause my phone to vivbrate cause it was still on airplane mode, actually nevermind I dont want to know. I took a deep breathe and looked at my phone and saw that indeed it was from Ruby, I took my phone airplane mode and my phone blew up almost literally that is how many texts this girl sent me. There was one text from Tracy wishing me a safe flight and the rest, the rest of about maybe 50 texts were from Ruby.

Ruby: ik you cant read this but im bored
Ruby: and hungy. should i get dons or be healthy and have a salad at home?
Ruby: ooh wait ik, imma get some good New York pizza
Ruby: ha you cant have any anymore i hope your Texas pizza sucks ass
Ruby: wait but you get good bbq now.. thats stinky i want bbq :  (
Ruby: well imma go get food and leave you to your boredom on the plane wait your probably asleep loser sleep is for the weAk
Ruby: ew ik what your dreaming about, the devil i always forget you do thatn now
Ruby: i hope a baby crys and ruins that dream for you like youve ruined my appetite. who am i kidding nothing can ruin my appetite

Ruby: so i just a whole large pie and now i feel fat, why didnt you stop me from doing that

Ruby: i miss you already, im so bored

Ruby: soooooo i see your plane has landed ;)
Ruby: maaaaavvveeeeee
Ruby: hey dingbat aNsWEr mEeeEEe
Ruby: your plane better have crashed for you to not answer me grr
Ruby: thats it your dead im going to murder you and if you are already dead i am going to bring you back just so i can kill you myself

Ruby: maaavvvveeee ik your not dead cause youd be haunting me by now so why the fuck arent you answering me young lady
Ruby: thats it im walking to Texas, you better hide cause your dead when i find you

Maverick: ever heard of not spamming people?? jeez
Ruby: ever heard of answering people???????
Maverick: take a chill pill i just got to my house and i forgot to turn my phone back to normal mode
Ruby: idc young lady you answer me when i text you, you hear me???
Maverick: imma block you if you become a spam god again
Ruby: aaawwwwwww you think im a GOD?
Maverick: ....i hate you
Maverick: blocked
Ruby: oh sweet cheeks, you really think that you could get rid of me that easily???
Maverick: no but it was worth a shot
Ruby: were not done with this conversation but i did read something about you being at your house???
Maverick: yeah?
Ruby: ROOOMM TOUR HOOO!!!!!!!!!
Maverick: i have a migraine from just reading that
Ruby: stfu and give me what i want grrrrr
Maverick: you can wait til the morning or better yet when its actually done
Ruby: nah im good. now get your lazy ass off of that couch or so help me god
Maverick: fine jeez freaking dictator
Ruby: what was that??
Maverick: you have eyes and you can read
Ruby: ...wheres the nuclear weapons...
Maverick: calm your tits jeez im kinda glad im not in new york right now

As if on que Ruby facetimed me ready to "control" me like a little pawn in her game. "Why hello my dear best friend who doesn't want to kill me," I say as I see her glaring at me through the phone. "Don't hey me you lazy ass." "Oh get over yourself. Mom where is my room? A certain pain in my ass won't let me relax until she sees my room." My mom just laughs as Ruby glares at me more. "Hi Ruby," My mom laughs. "Hello Mrs. Adams," Ruby says with a smile and waves to my mom.  "It's upstairs the last room on the right," "Than-" "Thank you Mrs. Adams," Ruby says cutting me off, "go my monkey, fly!!!!" "Seriously? Spawn of satan," I mumble the last part but sadly Ruby heard it with her super hearing. "Uhm last timed I checked I wasn't your girlfriend." "Mother, can you book me a flight back to New York to elimenate this pest of mine?" My mom laughs shaking her head and walking away. "Just go to your room already!!" "Fine." I groan and make my way to my room. There isn't really anything in there except fot a mattress on the floor and a ton of boxes on the floor. I did have a walk in closet and an ensuite bathroom though which made me really happy. "Show me!" "Calm yourself, Jesus Christ." I flip the camera so she could see the room. "Well this was anti-climatictic." "You know what. .. I only just got here what were you expecting idiot." "Well there's potential. Oop I gotta go I've got hockey." "Have fun." "Always. Biiiiii." "Bye doofus." I hung up and flung my phone onto my mattress. Dealing with Ruby harassing me gave me some energy to start unpacking.

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