Chapter 1

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"I can't believe you're leaving me." I finally told my best friend that I was moving. "I know Ru, I can't either." Ruby and I have been best friends since birth, even when we weren't in the same school we were inseparable. "If you need anything at all I'm only a phone call away. Literally call me and I'll be in Texas ASAP." I currently live in New York and I am moving to San Antonio, Texas next week. I know it's a little short notice to tell her but I couldn't bring myself to tell her, we have always been there for each other and I couldn't bear seeing her crushed. "Ok. Ugh, I'm really gonna miss you. What am I going to do without your stupid puns every day or you killing anyone that even looks my way." "Hey that is for good reason and you know that," Ruby said getting all defensive and pointing a finger at me. Ever since the - incident, she became more protective of me. "I know." "Plus you love my puns and they are not stupid, you are." "What are you, two?" "Excuse me?" "You heard me, crybaby." "You're so mean to me. Why am I even friends with you?" Ruby says with a pout on her face. "Because you love me and can't live without me even if you tried?" I say with a cheeky grin. Through our bickering, I feel my phone vibrate and see its a text from Tracy, my girlfriend.

Tracy: Hey babe wanna hang out?

Maverick: I'm with Ruby right now but sure. Be there in 5.

"I gotta go. Tracy wants to hang." "Ah yes, the devil has summoned better go before she sends the hell hounds." "Don't call her the devil she still is my girlfriend even if you don't like her." "She isn't right for y-" "I don't want to start this again." "I'm just saying," Ruby says raising her hands in surrender.

I pulled up to Tracy's house and I see her open the front door waiting for me to get out of my car. "Hi baby," I say walking up to her to give her a kiss. "Hey babe," she says smiling up at me. Tracy is the hottest girl in our school, and I was really shocked when she showed an interest in me. "Wanna watch a movie?" Tracey asks as we walk up to her room. "Sure. What do you want to watch?" "Sleeping Beauty?" "OK," I say as I give her a peck and jump onto her bed as she sets the movie up.  Once the movie starts, Tracey cuddles up to me.  We're a good bit into the movie when Tracey starts kissing my neck and slowly moves up to my lips. We start making out and she climbs on top of me straddling my hips leaving the movie behind us, the only thing that mattered was our love for each other. I was about to take her shirt off when her little brother walks into her room. "EW, what are you guys doing?" Trey says making us immediately stop kissing. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" Tracy yells and throws a pillow at him while I start laughing. "Shut up!" She yells at me. God, she's so hot when she's angry, I start kissing her again harder and with more passion. As I'm kissing her I feel a pillow hit us, we pull apart to see Trey with an innocent look on his face. Tracy jumps off me and starts chasing after her brother with him screaming. Tracy and I have been together for three months now almost four. I first met her on my first day of school at Ruby's school, she walked into my psych class with her blonde hair in a high ponytail and a short sleeveless pink dress. I couldn't take my eyes off her she was so beautiful. Ever since that day, Ruby has never liked Tracy but she stays quiet and tries to support me because all she ever wants is for me to be happy. She literally said, "Fine if it's the witch you want to date then I will TRY and support you but it won't be easy fyi."

After a bit, I left Tracy's house which she wasn't very happy about. "Hi, sweetie. How was your day?" My mom asks as I walk into the house. "It was good, I finally told Ruby," I say as I plop myself next to my mom on the couch. "How did she react?" "She was her usual self," I say laughing, "I can't believe you're leaving me, fast forward, if you don't call me I'm going to murder you," I say as my mom and I start laughing. Once our laughing has subsided I feel my phone vibrate as Ruby texts me. 'I know you're talking about me'. "How the hell?" "What?" My mom asks and I show her the text and she shakes her head starting to laugh again. "That girl needs to be a spy." "She already is I swear to go-" I'm cut off with another text saying so help me stop talking about me before I walk to your house and slap you silly. oh and hello Mrs. Adams. "Ok now that's creepy," My mom says.  "How was your day mom?" "It was the usual, busy. Oh ya, I got more boxes for you they're in your room." "Ok, thanks, mom. What time is dinner gonna be at?" "When Matt comes home so probably around seven?" My mom says going back to her book. "Alrighty." I walk to the kitchen to get some water then head up to my room.

I decided to start packing up the decorations in my room. After a bit, I stop at the last photo of my father, mother, older brother and I, we were saying goodbye to my dad when he was leaving for deployment. I still remember the very last words we had, *Flashback* "Alright pumpkin, you're gonna have to look after your mommy for me, ok?" "Okay, daddy!" "Aw, I love you so much pumpkin and I'm gonna miss you so much," He says as he lifts me up holding on to me like his life depended on it. When he put me down I saw he had a tear rolling down his face. I lean up and wipe it away as he smiles at me. "Why are you crying, daddy?" "Just because I'm gonna miss you, your brother, and your mommy so much." "It's ok daddy, were really gonna miss you too." Were interrupted by someone calling all the soldiers onto a bus. We all say our last goodbyes with a hug and a kiss, as my daddy walks away he waves and blows us a kiss and says, "I love you pumpkin." That was the last thing he ever said to me. I am brought back from my memory by my mom calling me to dinner. I wipe away my tears and set the photo down before I head downstairs. I was ten when my dad died in Afghanistan. I was crushed when he died, I'd cry every night because of how much I missed him. To this day I still really miss him but I've learned to kinda cope but I don't think I'll ever truly recover. When I really miss him I put on his dog tags so I still feel close to him.

When I got downstairs I saw my mom and Matt sitting and talking to each other. "Hey kiddo, how was your day," Matt asks as I sit down. "It was good. How was yours?" "Eh boring." Matt is my mom's new fiance, they met around a year after my dad's death. My mom was the one to move on the fastest from my father. I'm really happy for her that she was able to find love again, at first I wasn't happy at all because it felt like she was just throwing my dad's memory away, but over time I accepted and I couldn't be happier for them. Matt is an amazing guy, though he can never replace my dad he is still a father figure for me in my life. "How's Ruby?" Matt asks making me and my mom start giggling making him confused. "She's good. I finally told her about the move." "Oh? How did she react?" "Like Ruby," and my mom starts laughing hysterically. "What's wrong with your mom?" "I'll tell you later," as we start laughing as well. Once we calm down my mom asks me, "How's packing going?" My mom asks and the mood shifts and I grab the dog tags, my mom looks at me with a knowing look. "It's going ok I guess." After that, we all start talking about everything and anything, I'm really gonna miss living here.

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