The date night with boss

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The next day, Grell had called Will, first apologizing to him for not meeting him at his office.

"No no Grell it's quite alright. And I'm the one who should be apologizing. What I did was very uncalled for and rude. I'm very, very sorry."

"Oh Willy that's quite alright. Um..Will?"

"Yes Grell?"

"C-Could we...u-um...give this a try?"

There was a silence on the end for a moment before William said

"O-Of course! I'd love to! I'll pick you up around 8 ok?"

It was settled. Grell was going on a date with Will. She got into a different dress this time.

(Minus the hat though)

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(Minus the hat though)

She then decided to do her hair in a cute ponytail with her red and white ribbon. Just as she applied her makeup the doorbell rang. She gasped and looked at her watch.

I thought he said 8! It's 7:30

Rushing down her stairs, she came to her front door and opened it, seeing not Will, but Sebastian.


She covered her mouth as he slightly chuckled.

"Hello darling. I'm sorry I haven't been around for a few days, the Young Master had me quite busy."

"Oh that's just fine Sebby." She put on a smile, but her mind and heart were racing.

SHIT!!! Sebby of all the times you could've showed up it just had to be NOW??!!!?!?!!?!

She checked her watch, 7:36. Will would be here in about 20-15 minutes. As much as it hurt for her to think this, she had to get rid of Sebastian somehow.

"I'd love to be with you right now Sebby but I'm afraid I have to go into work."

His eyebrow cocked, looking at how she was dressed.

"You seem a bit dressed up for work darling."

"Oh! Um well it's going to be this uh whole promotion thing for a few superiors and we need to be dressed up. Especially for a lady such as myself." She giggled femininely.

"Oh....well alright then. Shall I walk with you there?"

"NO! Uhh I mean no uh thank you. I-Its nothing personal dear but, you are a demon. And if you came you'd probably cause everyone else to panic."

"Ahh, good point. Well, I guess I took a night off for nothing." Grell felt bad, knowing how much Sebastian works and never has a break. So she leaned in and gave him a kiss. He kissed back immediately and smiled into the kiss.

After a bit she pulled away and smiled at him. He smiled back.

"I love you Grell. So much."

"I love you too Sebby." Although when she said that, she wasn't too sure about it. Sebastian gave her one last kiss before leaving, allowing her to shut her door for about a few minutes to herself.

Maybe I shouldn't go on this date.... I mean Sebby obviously cares...but so does William. Ugghh!!!

She sighed and decided to ignore those thoughts and focus on something else. She began to check herself and make sure her hair and makeup were just right.

Knock knock knock

That was William for sure this time, she'd know those three sharp knocks anywhere! She walked over and opened it, seeing him there with a bouquet of roses.

"Hello William darling~" She said giving him a smile. He looked to her with his eyes widened and jaw dropped a bit.

"You look gorgeous Grell!"

Grell blushed a bit at the comment.

"Th-Thank you Will.."

"Shall we get going?" He offered her his arm, which she happily took.


As the two sat down at their table, Will pulled out Grell's chair for her. She smiled and sat down. After Will took his seat, he ordered them some red wine. Grell couldn't help but to be nervous. Will must have noticed, so he reached over and held one of her hands that was on the table. She looked down at it and blushes a little. Will smiled to her, making her smile back.

"You have such a nice smile William. Why don't you smile more often?"

"I will when you're around dear. Then I'll have a reason to."

Grell blushed and looked away shyly.

"Aww no need to be shy Grell."

"I can't help it. You're saying such sweet things to me."

"You mean the truth?" He said, making her giggle and blush. But she remembered, how he wasn't always so nice. She then quieted down and pulled her hand away. Will looked a bit hurt when she did that.

"Grell? Are you ok?"

She nodded, not looking at him.

"You're lying...What's the matter?"

"Just thinking... About all those times you were horrible to me. Saying such hurtful things, making me feel worthless." She looked away, beginning to tear up. Will then quickly went over to her and pulled her into a hug, wiping them away gently.

"Oh Grell.. I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to.. I-I was just.."

"I just want to know why. Why you were so cruel to me?" She said, looking to him. Will sighed a bit and said softly

"I was jealous. Jealous of you always giving that.. thing so much attention and love. I just wanted you all to myself. I'm sorry for everything that I have done and said to you. That was my bitterness and anger getting ahead of me. I couldn't stand someone else having your attention and yet not paying any attention back to you. You are just the greatest woman I've ever met, you're funny, absolutely gorgeous and you're an outstanding reaper, despite the small slip ups here and there. But you really are perfect Grell, at least to me you are."

Grell just sat there with teary eyes and blushing like mad. She had no words. So she just pulled him into a kiss, smiling into it. He did the same, wrapping his arms around her tightly, never wanting to lose her.

~A time skip after the date cuz im feeling lazy~

Grell was smiling the whole way home as William walked her back to her house.

"Thank you for tonight Will I really enjoyed it~"

"Anything for you Grell." He said with a small smile. Grell couldn't help but to give his cheek a kiss, which made him blush. Grell giggled and unlocked her door, turning back to Will.

"Good night Willie~" He sighed inwardly at that name, but didn't mind it too much.

"Good night Grell I shall see you tomorrow at work."

"Oh always work work work with you huh~?" Grell asked teasingly, making him chuckle and lean in, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Perhaps~ Good night my love~"

Grell's face heated up when he called her that, watching him for a bit as he walked away before shutting her door.

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