Her Bassy, on the date

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"Hello my lovely red rose~" 

Grell blushed brightly as she looked up at the raven haired demon. "Hello Bassy~" On the inside, Grell was freaking the fuck out.


"Grell? Are you alright?" She snapped out of her thoughts, seeing Sebastian looking at her with concern. "Oh yes I'm fine. I'm just so happy! I can't tell you how LONG I've waited for this moment!" Sebastian chuckled, smiling at Grell's excitement. "Well your wait is over, shall we?" He held out his arm, and she happily wrapped her arms around his. "Oh yes please Bassy!"

~~let time skips~~

They made their way a nice restaurant, one of Grell's favorites. He opened the door for her and gave his signature closed eyed smile, making her blush. "Ladies first." He said. "Oh Bassy~♡" She swooned, walking in with him right behind her.

He chuckled, her excitement was too adorable for him. Grell smiled as she looked in amazement at the beautiful restraunt. Sebastian chuckled and wrapped an arm around her waist, making her blush softly. They were escorted to their table and Sebastian ordered them some red wine, Grell's favorite. "Oh Bassy you're too sweet~" She said, her emerald eyes meeting his dark crimson ones. "Not as sweet as you~"

Grell giggled shyly just as the waitress came back with the wine. "Thank you." Sebastian said to her, making her slightly blush, making Grell frown. Sebastian noticed and placed his hand over hers, reassuring any worries she could have. "B-Bassy? If it's alright, may I ask why are you doing this?" Sebastian, who was pouring wine into Grell's glass, seemed to be a bit hurt by her question. "Grell, what ever do you mean by why am I doing this? I'm doing it because I want to show you how much I care for you."

"B-but I always thought you hated me..." Her eyes were now beginning to fill with tears, to which Sebastian pulled out his handkerchief and handed it to her. "Grell please don't cry my dear, just let me explain." She slowly nodded, and carefully dabbed the corners of her eyes as to not ruin her make-up.

"Grell, when we first met, at the time when you portrayed as Madame Red's butler, I had felt quite an usual feeling around you. It started as something warm and fuzzy, like a kitten. At first I had thought nothing of it and attempted to ignore it. But, after seeing your true form, that little feeling grew and grew. I didn't quite understand it still, so I had reached out for the Undertaker's help, given he is also undead and been around much longer than I have. After explaining it all to him, he told me something I'd never thought if hear." He paused for a moment to thank the waitress for bringing them their food, and looked Grell dead in the eye and said softly "I was in love with you."

Grell couldn't believe it. She almost didn't want to believe it. Like it was all a beautiful, wondrous dream that would forever dissappear when she wakes up. But it wasn't. It was all too real. She smiled happily and leaned over, as well as himself, and they kissed. It was full of passion, love and pure bliss. When they pulled away, they could taste one another's lips on their own. Sebastian licked his lips, that were slightly smeared red from her lipstick and hummed softly. Grell blushed a bit and licked her own, covering her mouth behind her hand while licking the top row of her sharp, shark-like teeth.

"I-I love you too Bassy." They both smiled and ate their food, and left. Sebastian had Grell's hand in his own as he took her back home. On the way there, they talked and laughed about silly things, kissing a bit here and there. Grell almost pouted when she got home, but knew it couldn't last forever. Before leaving to go, she pulled on Sebastian's tie, kissing his lips once again. Sebastian wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed back. Grell nearly fainted as she felt his warm, wet tongue lick the bottom of her lip. She gave him access and melted into the heated kiss. Sebastian pushed her back gently to the wall, lifting up one of her legs around his waist. She moaned into his mouth as he trailed down to her neck, finding her sweet spot almost immediately. She snapped out of it and pulled away, this moving much too quickly for her. "Sebby, t-this is a bit too s-soon." Sebastian looked shocked but then regained himself. "I'm terribly sorry Grell, I'm not sure what came over me, do forgive my rudeness." She giggled and kissed his cheek. "No need Sebby, you weren't rude at all. I rather enjoyed it~" He chuckled and kissed her nose, their date finally coming to its end.

"Good night my sweet darling Bassy~ Thank you for this wonderful date~!" Sebastian smiled and said "Good night to you my lovely rose~ I enjoyed our time together~" Grell smiled as she opened her door, and walked inside, shutting it behind her. She then fangirled again, dancing around and squealing, completely overcome with happiness.

Mrs. Michaelis or Mrs. Spears?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें