He kissed me!!!

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Grell just came back from reaping a soul and sat at her desk, seeing a large amount of paperwork waiting for her. She sighed and began to work, her mind wandering off to Sebastian.

Mm Bassy~ I love you sooo much~ I can't wait to see you aga-


Grell snapped out of her daydream and looked up to see William. He didn't have his usual angry look though..

"Grell I've been saying your name for the last minute, are you alright?" He asked while stepping in and closing the door behind him.

"Oh yes Will I'm fine dear. Just thinking about my Bassy is all~" She said, smiling a little.

"Dammit Grell why did you go on a date with him!? He doesn't really like you!"

Grell blinked in shock at Will's little outburst, but she stood up and glared a little.

"He does too! He loves me actually and I love him as well! And there's nothing that will stand in our way!" She shot back, crossing her arms.

Will scowled and grabbed her arms, pushing her back to the wall. Grell shrieked a little as Will then came so close that their noses were touching. She gulped and wondered what he would do.

"G-Grell..." He whispered softly, looking straight at her.

"What William?" She asked, looking right into his eyes.

He said nothing else as he grabbed her face gently and kissed her lips.

"MPH!!!" Her eyes widened as she jerked her head back a bit.

Will pulled her back though, one hand gently holding the back of her head while the other rested on her hip. Grell slowly began to melt into it, her face heating up as she held Will's face and kissed back.

They kissed for about a minute until they needed air. Panting, Will and Grell stood there, staring at one another. At least until Grell pulled on his tie to go for round 2. Will smirked a little into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Grell's waist, while hers went around his neck.

Wait... W-what am I doing?! Sebby will be crushed!!!

Grell thought as she pushed Will off her.

"William Thomas Spears!! How dare you kiss me when I'm clearly taken!" She accused, which made him chuckle.

"Taken? You merely went on a date with Sebastian. That doesn't make you a couple. Besides, you kissed back."

She blushed and looked away, stumbling over her words. He was right. She did kiss him back. Why though?

Well...maybe he's right. I mean, people go on dates all the time and sometimes it means nothing afterwards. After all, dating is just a way to find your soul mate.

She sighed, her heart tearing into two, but not from heartbreak. It was from who she loved.

"I'm sorry to cut this short but I have a meeting in a few minutes. Please Grell, stop by my office before you leave."

Before he walked out, he gave her cheek one last kiss and whispered in her ear.

"I love you Grell. So much."

Her jaw dropped and she watched him walk out.

I............................I love you too.......

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