A DATE!?!?!?!?!?!?!

388 8 16

*time skip to next morning*

Grell woke up, stretching and yawning, and sat up. She rubbed her eyes and put on her beloved red glasses. Grell then looked over to her night stand, seeing a picture of Sebastian and another of William. Her heart jumped and she smiled, kissing the pictures. She loved them both, but would be fine with either one, if one ever loved her back.

She then got out of bed, going to the bathroom to apply her make-up. Just as she finished the last touches, her doorbell rang. "Coooomiing~" She said in a sing song voice, walking to the door and opening it. No one was there. "Huh?" Grell said, confused and about to shut her door when she looked down and saw a large bouquet of roses. "What?" She picked them up, flattered beyond belief, but wondering who they were from.

Grell then noticed a small note attached to the wrapping, so she picked it off and read.

To Miss Sutcliff,

I've been in love with you for such a long time but I've never been able to say it aloud. Each time I see you, my heart melts and every word I wish to say gets caught in my throat. I apologize for the horrible way I've treated you, but I would love to make things up at dinner. I'll pick you up at seven tonight, and please, do wear something special. Until then, my thoughts shall be consumed by you, my lovely red rose~

Grell was shocked but excited at the same time. Someone did love her!!! She shut her door and let out a girly shriek, letting her fangirl moment pass. 

But who is it? Bassy? Maybe... William? Possibly...

She didn't know who it was, but she was willing to find out. Until seven...

*another smol time skip to six fifty*

Grell had put on the new dress she, well, more like Sebastian gave her. Grell decided to put her hair in a really fancy up-do, her bangs curled and her hair being held in place by six roses wrapped around the bun. She wore her special red open toed high heels. She felt a bit nervous though, unsure of what tonight would bring her. Not only that, she still had no clue who was going to show up. Maybe it was a prank? No. Even though some didn't like her, no one would do this as a prank.

Her stomached tightened as a knock came from her door, and she finished the last touches of her red eyeshadow along with her dark crimson lipstick. "Coming!" She said, her heels clicking across the wooden floor. She reached the handle, hesitating for a moment.

It's ok Grell... It'll be alright..

She took in a deep breath and slowly opened the door. She first gasped at the man in front of her but then smiled, her heart pounding like mad as a small blush creeped it's way to her face.

"Hello my lovely red rose~"

Cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!!! Bwahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Ok ok, so honestly, idk who the fuck to make it. Will or Sebastian?

So! I'm leaving it up to you all! That's right, comment on who it should be! Whoever has the most comments will be the lucky guy on the date!

But there's a time limit on this so hurry fast! The limit is

May 29 (today) through June 6 (next Tuesday)

After June sixth the votes will be closed. Ok so get pickin!

Will vs. Sebastian for the date with Grell!!!

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