How you meet - Raphael

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Currently, you walked the dark, but illuminated streets of New York City. Your (h/c ((hair color)) ) flowed and blew one way or another with each soft and eery wind that blew by. You let your mind wander, losing yourself in fantasies and anything else your brain could think of. That is until...

You saw a flash of red. Instinctively, you hardened your expression and got into a defensive position, looking around wildly.

"Who's there?" You growled out, clenching your defensive fists tighter.

"Woah calm down sweetheart." A rough, sarcastic voice rang out from the shadow of the alleyway. You glared into the shadow, unamused from the nickname. You weren't to afraid of the gangs, but you just couldn't quite defend yourself as good as you wanted.

"Who are you? Come out!" You said courageously, earning a dry chuckle on the other end.

"Only because I wanna see you scared to death." The male voice said, stepping out with a smirk. He had a ripped up red mask on his face, with neon green eyes that stood out like electrons. He had a belt on, with salad tong holders with knee and elbow pads. Full on ninja. Oh yeah, he was a humanoid turtle too.

You lowered your defense, smirking slightly. "What are you, some type of masked skater boy in a turtle costume?" You smarted off. Savage. He gave you a small glare.

"Shut up. Like you look any better." Ooh. Salty. You glared harsher at his response, tempted to give him the finger. He only laughed at your misery when he noticed this.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I won't hurt ya. Names Raphael and I'm surprised you haven't run away yet." He said, with a somewhat unsatisfied and intrigued look. You stood triumphant.

"(Y/N). So don't calm me sweetheart." You muttered, crossing your arms sourly. Why the hell were you having a conversation with a mutant turtle? God send mental help.

Raph gave a grunt of acknowledgment, completely disregarding your request. "As much as I wanna stay, I don't. See ya around kid." He said lastly, jumping up and away skillfully as you watched.

"Kids no better!" You called after him, shaking your head in annoyance. You hope you don't get to see around. Ever again. Please and thank you.

You began to turn on your heel and walk away, to the asylum for mentally insane people.

Good riddance. Love at first sight? Ha, not here.

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