CH31: I Can Kill Him Too

Start from the beginning

I expected a sarcastic and conceited response back from him, but that isn't what happened.

"Stop by anytime," Luke calls after me, "whenever you need anything."

I smile at his unexpected answer, "I will--bye Luke."

"Bye, princess."

And with that I exit the room, following my way back out of the trash-filled mansion; every so often having to step over a passed out teen laying unconscious on the floor.

♡ ♡ ♡

"Finally!" I squeal, lifting myself off from the concrete floor just outside the mansion, "what took you forever?"

"Sheesh, at least I'm here, right?" Danny replies, rolling down the window of his car.

I walk towards him, sliding into the passenger seat of the car.

"What were you doing at a place like this anyways?" Danny asks, gazing at the mansion from last night.

"There was a party," I sigh, wanting to get away from everything.

"And you slept the night . . .?" Danny asks, his lingering question trailing off.

"Yeah," I answer, hoping he doesn't ask anything else.

"Who'd you sleep with?" Danny turns to me, giving me a smug look.

"I passed out," I lie, looking at the red plastic cups and streamers thrown all over the place.

"You should've invited me!" Danny exclaims, starting the car up.

"I would've--" I pause, remembering Max was at the party, "I just wanted to be alone."

He nods, starting to drive the car away from the house, as my face rotates it's way to the window; until I'm peering out into the world around me.

I watch the car stop at multiple lights, and ponder through the street.

"Danny . . .?" I uneasily call, spinning my head to his direction, "where are we going?"

I notice Danny pass the street to my house, continuing straight onto the road.

"What do you mean?" He asks, his eyes glued to the road.

"You passed my house?" I state, twirling a strand of my hair with my fingers.

"I thought you were coming home with me? I need to record," he pauses, "I'll make a u-turn, it's alright."

"No, no that's fine, it's probably even better if I stay with you."

"Good, because we're here," Danny answers, making a turn into the driveway and parking his car.

I immediately unfasten my seatbelt and bolt open the car door, jogging over to the door.

I liked Danny's house, for some reason it always seemed so commodious and roomy.

"I think Jordan might be here too," Danny says, finally unlocking the door.

"Even better," I smile, dropping my bag to the ground and heading into the living room.

No surprise, Jordan was plastered on the sofa, controller in hand.

"Damnit," Jordan curses, dropping his controller on the couch beside him.

"What's up-p-p," I say, popping my p's and rushing over, flopping on the sofa alongside Jordan.

I look up at the tv, watching Jordan's pathetic death on screen.

"Wow, you actually suck at this game," I joke, smiling in his direction.

"Like you could do any better," Jordan's sneers, tilting his head slightly.

I launch my arm over Jordan's body, picking up the controller, "watch and learn, buddy."

He just laughs, watching me struggling to respawn.

"You're supposed to click--that," Jordan presses a button on my controller, signaling the game to continue.

"Psh, I knew that," I lie, moving my character around the scene, "how do I pick up the gun--oh wait I got it."

Jordan let's out a faint laugh, observing me try to get ahold of what I was trying to do.

"How do I pick up this one instead--" I mumble, while Jordan leans over and clicks another button.

"Ah--see Jordan now I have two guns."

"Yeah because I did it for you!" Jordan declares, laughing at my egocentric attitude.

"Shh," I hush him, focusing on the man I was struggling to shoot on screen.

I finally pull the trigger, putting a dozen shots into just one man, "yes, did you see that, Jordan."

"Yeah, I can do that too," Jordan laughs, slumping back on the sofa.

I continue playing, ignoring he fact that people were talking way too loud in the room next door.

"Hold on--" I pause, standing up to get a better grip on the controller, "why is he--ugh."

"Why are you standing up?" Jordan asks, swaying his arm around me and pulling me back onto the sofa.

I flop back onto the couch, focusing on the screen, "oh--wait--I can kill him too."

I press forward, advancing as close to him as I can and firing my gun.

I smile at my second kill in the game, "you watching Jordan?"

"Yeah, I don't think you're supposed to put like fifty bullets into only one guy," he turns to me.

"That's how you win," I answer, scanning the screen.

"Until there's three guys surrounding you," Jordan responds, as I shift my character into another dark alley.

"When that happens," I shoot and kill another guy, "I'll dodge them all."

"Sure," Jordan sarcastically replies.

"You'll see," I answer, pressing multiple buttons in hopes of switching my gun.

I hear someone shuffle into the room, and thinking it's just Danny, I ignore them.

"What'd I miss?" I hear Max's voice say, his eyes laying upon me.

I turn around, meeting Max's stare and instantly dropping the controller beside me on the sofa.

I stand up without speaking, attempting to walk past him. But, Max grabs my arm, stopping me right in front of him.

"Camille--" he starts, not expecting me to be here.

I turn to Jordan, who was now watching us baffled, "why didn't you tell me he was here?"

"I thought you guys were alright now," Jordan answers, exhaling deeply.

"Well, we're not." I break free of Max's grip and rush out of the house, ignoring the fact that I heard someone follow me out.

All My Doubts; Minecraftfinest (MCfinest) FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now