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Chapter 3

“Wooooww….” I said in amazement.

The castle was very large and very shiny; it feels like all the things were glow in the dark. And as early as 8’oclock in the morning we got to the kingdom and wore our uniforms. At last! We will meet the Royal family!

As we enter a room with a gigantic door, we saw the Royal family sitting in their thrones. Ah, I see a beautiful princess. Honestly, she looks like me a little bit. You know, she’s smart, rich, a royal person. How about me? I’m just a simple girl from Ales kingdom. Compared to me, she’s the better one, she’s the beautiful one. I don’t stand a chance. Well, I heard that she’s at the same age as me at least.

“Your majesties” All of us knelt down.

“Rise” Queen Tiffania said.

“I see, you two are some kind people from another kingdom who accepted our job offer. I am actually surprised and I’m actually thankful for the effort you’ve made to travel here.” The Queen said with a smile.

“Yes, thank you your majesty.” We both replied with honor.

As we stood and left the room, I saw the princess smiling at me so I smiled back at her. It was really nice to see the Royal family being so kind to outsiders like us. It feels like our job will be fun.

“Alleria wait for me!” a voice coming out of nowhere.

“Huh?” I looked back and waited.

“Huhuhuh… Nice to meet you --- Ria.” The princess said catching her breath.

“Your highness, what are you doing here? Are you okay?!?” I asked and panicked.

“Well, just came all the way here to make an introduction. By the way I’m Natalia, but just call me Talia for short.”  She asked.

“Ummm... Should I call you Princess or Your Highness?” I asked

“Well, I want to be friends with you so just call me Talia.” She replied and smiled at me.

Well after that small introduction, she was with me the whole day. I was talking to her about my life, how Annalice bullied me, how Thomas teased me and how I am bad at cooking. She also said that she was in love with somebody named Prince Eric and how they met at a ball. I really had a good time with her honestly and I really wanted to stay longer for a while.

“Alleria, it’s time to go! Mother will find us!” Thomas shouted.

“Coming!” I wore my shoes and wave goodbye to Talia.

“You really do enjoy hanging out with Talia, don’t you?” Thomas asked with a smile.

“Yes, I never felt so happy.” I smiled at Thomas.

“Oh Really? I guess have a rival to you now.” He laughed and bit his lip.

“Haha, you’re silly! Let’s walk faster.”  I giggled.

It was really a fun day and all the stories she shared was so fun to listen! I really had a good time with her and I’m so excited to go to Redd Kingdom tomorrow.

(Talia’s Point of View)

“Mother, I really had fun today!” I said to Mother.

“Hmm, with Ria?” She asked excitedly.

“Yes! It actually feels like she relates so much with me…” I said in a magical voice.

“Hmmm, could it be?” Mother’s eyes feels like there is light in it for it was shining gracefully.

“What is it Mother dear?” I asked surprisingly.

“Nothing Talia… Forget about it. Get some rest now.” She said with her fingers below her chin.

I did what Mother said, rested for a while. But in the other hand I can’t sleep wondering what mother was thinking.

-----------------------To be continued 

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