You Again? (Osric x Reader) Part 1

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(First off, I had to put that pic because I love that movie and I love him and he's supposed to be the nerd in this chapter so yeah. Yes, this is based on one of my favorite movies, You Again! Sorry, the title has no exclamation point, I just wanted to show my love for the movie. Any who, if you've never seen the movie, it's about this girl and when she was in high school, she was always picked on, while her brother was popular, sound familiar yet? aka Edge of Seventeen, only this movie was before Hailee Steinfeld slipped into the duff's shoes. And when they grow up, she's all successful and comes back own to see her brother's wedding, but she finds out that the bride, was her bully. So she constantly tries to break them up. And I may or may not have been watching it for the 70th time last night, or to you, a week ago, and decided this is the story I have to do. So instead of coming down for his brother's wedding, because I love Osric and want the reader to have a ship with him, I am going to make it to where he is doing a stunt gig and you are the girl stuntman, both for the main characters so you have to be there all the time, and you bullied him and you know, you get the gist of it. Idk, I might do a part two of this and...I'm rambling again aren't I? Well, another perk of me, I can never shut up. Now, on with the story.)

"Hey, Os, long time no see."

"Yeah, it's been too long how's life for you?"

"Oh, it has been great. I'm, uh, married now."

"Oh, congrats, man. That's so good!"

"Yeah, thanks. Uh, what was I calling you for? Oh, yeah, right! Did you ever become a stuntman like you wanted?"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I, uh, finished up a project just now."

"Oh, perfect! I have a movie coming up and I already have the rest of the stuntman here but the other guy for the lead stunt role cancelled and it's not an easy job, so I was wondering if you would..."

"Of course! You, uh, won't regret this...hopefully."

"*chuckles* Don't worry. You're most likely still the big workaholic you always were. You'll do great, I have faith in you."

"Okay, thanks, man. And I'll see you on Monday?"

"Yeah. Monday at 8 am sharp. I'll text you the address."



*Time Skip Brought To You By THE CAST OF SPN'S BUTTS*

Osric's POV

I made it to the address, it looked like an abandoned building with a fence all around it. 'Must be a post-apocalyptic movie.' I thought to myself. I saw a bunch of cameras and actors around under tents with food. 

A short man with red hair looks up at me and smiles, "Osric!" I chuckle, "Hey, Johnny. So, what are we doing here? I have a feeling it's post-apocalyptic." I say, continuing to look around.

"Well, your feeling is correct. And because you're the stuntman for the lead actor, you will be here the most, along with, uh, what's her name again? Uh, oh yeah! (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

My eyes widened. That's when I noticed her. 'Oh, now is just perfect to see her'


"Hey, Os! You know, I haven't heard from you in about long has it been?" I sighed as she looked to her idiotic friend for a, might I add very inaccurate amount of time because I know for a fact that Josh never learned how to read a clock. "About five hours." He said smirking. "Five hours. Man, it's been to long, OC. Let's go hang out by the flag. I think something is just dying to be hung there. Come join us, we'll check it out." They grabbed my shoulders and forcefully pushed me with them to the front.

I won't bore you with the details but let's just say the janitor got upset when he had to bring out his ladder and tools.

By the time I did get down, my butt hurt, my legs hurt, my- well, basically, my everything hurt. It was weird, usually they only did swirlies, this was by far the worst thing they've ever done to me.

"Hey, OCtoloser!" (Btw, they call him octoloser because his initials are OC and they're stupid so the best mocking nickname they could come up was OCtoloser) I closed my eyes and shut my locker. "If you thought that was bad, wait for what we've got in store for you."


"J-Johnny, how long did you say this movie was going to take?" I asked nervously. He winced, "Four months. But don't worry, since you're not actually acting, like with dialogue, you'll only have to be here for two and a half months. Maybe three. But please don't drop it. I-I know it's long, we'll be moving around a lot, and it's going to be very tiring for all of us, but I promise you that it'll worth it." I thought about it for a second, this was my friend, if this movie is successful, it'll be great for all of us, but I'll have to be with (Y/N) for three months. He looked at me nervously. I sighed.

"Johnny...what's the first scene I have to do?" He chuckled, "Uh, okay so, we're gonna get you into your costume and in this scene the building's being blown up, so..."

Your POV

You looked over to Johnny and saw, none other than, Osric Chau. 'Well, well, well, this is going to be an interesting three months.'

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