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Autumn esq. air had filtered through the curt town of Derry, Maine. With gentle leaves changing into sunset hues as they scatter across the pavement of smoothly cemented roads, the leaves quickly scattered as a beaten up car drove down the street. Creating a whirlwind of color scattered behind as the vehicle moved forth- you, [y/n], were seated in the back. With your hand firmly plastered upon your ample cheek and dull glazed over optics slowly observed the new quaint surroundings- a kind of surrounding that you found to be utterly and horrifically boring. "Isn't this exciting?" Your mother happily quips from the front seat, piles and piles of moving boxes mostly blocked your view of her but her bubbly voice could still be heard quite clearly.
           "What..the fact that we moved all the way across the country to some small town that nobody has ever heard of? exciting." You replied, the candence of your voice quietly oozing with sarcasm. But your mother, being the oblivious saint she was and always will be, simply chirped with a happy "good! I'm glad to hear that from you~" as the car made a sharp turn into a bumpy driveway. Rolling your eyes a small scoff slips past your lips as your eyes glance down to a small picture frame that was pressed against your skirt covered lap- it was a picture of you, smiling as wide as you could, as you held two twins under your arms. The three of you were standing in front of a carnival- seemingly having the time of your lives.
           But alas this backtracked memory was quickly interrupted as your mother flung your door open and quickly motioned you out. "Come on, come on, I have to grab the extra boxes." She happily chirps as she slides past your form and grabs the first box she sees. Only to quickly leave you in the dust as she walked up the stairs of the porch and into the house. With the picture frame tightly held to your chest you quietly looked around, a wired fence surrounded the place as a large yet slightly slouching tree hung overhead in a almost obsessively intimidating manner. A small shiver slowly runs up your spine as you quickly adverted your gaze from the thing, but as soon as you did you made eye contact with someone passing by.
            A boy, around your age, with messy brown locks and a bright pink shirt that truly made him stick out like a sore thumb. His fannypack didn't truly help the dude look any 'cooler' either. The boy, as awkward as you two may have both seemed, seemed brave enough to flash you a curt wave. Which you slowly returned with a shy yet horrifically dull smile- hell, he seemed a bit confused at first at your lack of response. But what could you say? You weren't the best at socializing. So the boy drops his arm to his side and continues to walk off thus leaving you to return to the examination of your new home while your mother quickly scampers back and forth to finish up what the movers haven't done. Slowly walking up the front porch steps you made your way into the house, it wasn't all too bad in your simplistic opinion, with soft hued wallpaper and bright wooden flooring.
            You could've probably called this home something to be proud of if your heart didn't bleed sorrily for your old place. Nothing could replace the nostalgic love. Releasing a small sigh you slowly made your way up to your room, or at least what you assumed was your room. There were quite a few doors that littered the hallway but after a few guesses you managed to find a single bed that you could call your own. With a bay window allowing light to filter in and sparkle the room with a veil of honey light, the room itself was bland and equally soft as the rest of the house. Awkwardly creating an aesthetic that simply made you assume that something was being hidden, or that your imagination was simply too narcissistic to enjoy the good things. Placing the picture frame upon a white nightstand besides your bed, you lazily flopped backwards and released a soft oomph as you hid the comforter of your bed.
             "This is.." you wanted to say good but all that could come out was "boring.". Before you even had a chance to revel in your introverted sanctuary your mother quickly burst into your room, the sound of moving furniture and talking could be heard from the lower level, "honey," she begins to say with a pleading grin as her boney hands were tightly clamped together "the movers came back because apparently they forgot to drop off some things, can you be a dear and leave the house for a few hours? Just so you're not in anyone's way?" She batted her eyelashes as her grin grew wider and more begging. You slowly sat up and slid out of bed, your face never changing from the dull mask of emotionless valor.
           "Sure, fine, I guess.." You mummered out, your mother released a happy squeal as she quickly made her way back downstairs only for you to eventually follow. Reaching the front door once again you slid on a near by bomber jacket and made your way out of the house. While exploring you didn't really find much to enjoy about Derry, it was as average and bland as any other small town could be. Despite its capitalistic attempts to make the town seem more appealing with either local concerts or book fairs, there was still a lingering sense of abandonment that stenches up any sense of reconciliation that the town could attempt to have. The scent of consumerism made you sick anyways. As you continued to walk nonchalantly through out Derry you eventually found yourself at the edge of a forest, with road separators pressing against your legs as you leaned over to take a look at the sloping hill of the forest. You closed your eyes to listen to any noise that could emit from this bountiful piece of sullen nature, for a few seconds you could hear rushing water and then
Snapping your eyes open you staggered back a bit as the sound of wailing wenches emitted from down below, almost enveloping with the sound of water. But you could still hear the wails, the begging, the sound of sobs mixed in with true adolescent terror. With furrowed brows you glanced over your shoulder- should you just go? And pretend you never heard anything? Before you could, the screaming and splashing got louder, someone was in trouble. A kind of trouble that you couldn't ignore.  
            So, with a deep breath you took a few steps back and quickly leaned over the separator. Your boots colliding with the disheveled dirt as you slid sloppily down the hill, using a few trees to help yourself stay stable rather than stumbling down the entirety and slamming face first into the river. You eventually made your way to the bottom as fast as you could, pushing aside loose strands of hair and tucking them behind your ear. You picked up a rock and quickly ran towards the sound screaming for help and pleads of mercy. Eventually, you found the cause of the terrified screams. It was a boy, short in stature and chubby, donning a new kids on the block t-shirt- or at least you think that's what he was wearing. It was hard to tell due to how the fabric oozed with vermillion crimson. The stench of blood was far too strong it almost carved itself into your nostrils. Surrounding the boy were four older ones, one of them was brandishing a knife as he got closer and closer to the terrified victim. "H-.." you begin to say, your voice almost giving out on you due to how lackluster it was when it came to being loud. Speaking to those whom you weren't familiar with terrified you to the very being of your existence. It was almost impossible to for yourself to even utter a single word as your heart would rampage at plentiful speed as if you were going to die by uttering something to a complete stranger. It was embarrassing, but it was also who you were. So, Closing your lips tight you sucked in a deep breath and instead of depending on your words, you went straight to violence.
              You recoiled your arm back and threw the rock as hard as you could, the object slammed into one of the lankier bullies- his midnight locks bouncing forward as his body lurched into a lighter blonde haired bully. The two of them being staggered back a few inches. They all snapped their head towards you, yet your lips were still tightly sealed. "Oi-" one coldly remarked, he was apparently the leader, or so you assumed. With dirty blonde hair slicked back into a rat esq. mullet, you could see the knuckles of his dirt specked hand turn white from tightly enveloping the blunt of the knife he held. Yet you still didn't speak as he continued to come forward- "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He remarks, with every step he took forward you took one back. Nothing could be heard from you though, "answer me you lil brat!" The bully exclaimed as he began to take larger steps towards you in order to close the horrifically small gap between you two.
             Before he could get any closer though, you quickly ducked down and grabbed another large rock. Recoiling your arm as fast as you could as you quickly chucked it straight at the leader, hitting him smack dab in the center of his forehead. He released a grunt and the victim quickly turned to run, shoving past the leader he grabbed you by the wrist and the two of you scrambled down the slippery river. Panted breaths and frightening holds upon each other may have not signified an equal bonding of fear

But the four bully scrambling after you two surly did.

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