will volunteers in benji's class!

Start from the beginning

"Dat one!" Coralei says, pointing to the green outfit.

"This one it is!" Will says as he begins to change Theodore's clothes on the floor.

"Teddy stinky! Eww!" Coralei says as she kisses Theodore's cheek.

"He does have a stinky diaper, huh?" Will says as he wipes Theodore and changes his diaper.

Will then begins to change Theodore's clothes. Theodore smiles at Will and Will kisses Theodore's cheek.

Will kisses Coralei's cheek before cleaning off her glasses.

"There you go, baby. Let's go downstairs and play with Dobby." Will says as he, Theodore, and Coralei go downstairs.

Will vlogs Theodore, Coralei and Dobby playing together. Theodore is doing tummy time while Coralei is "playing" dress up with Dobby.

"What are you playing with Dobby?" Will asks Coralei.

"Dress up! Dobby is a princewess!" Coralei says proudly, making Will smile brightly.

"Theodore is ready to go to Benji's school. Aren't you, baby boy?" Will asks Theodore.

Theodore looks up at Will and smiles brightly. Will giggles as he kisses Theodore's cheek.

The door begins to jingle of keys. Dobby and Coralei run over to the door.

"Papi! Papi!" Coralei says as she jumps up and down.

"Hi, baby girl! I am so excited to spend the day with you!" RJ as we he kisses Coralei's cheek and hugs her.

RJ pets Dobby and kisses his head.

"Hi, puppy! Whatcha been doing?" RJ asks Dobby.

"Pwaying dress up!" Coralei says, making RJ giggle.

Will smiles as he sees RJ. RJ's hair is all wet from the gym and RJ is wearing a tank top.

"Hey, babe!" RJ says as he kisses Will and then kisses Theodore's cheek.

"Hey! How was your day?" Will asks RJ.

"Good! Busy, but good. Are you going to Benji's school?" RJ asks Will.

"Yeah, I was waiting for you. Let me get ready." Will says as he hands RJ Theodore to hold. Theodore smiles at RJ and RJ kisses his cheek.

Will quickly gets ready while RJ, Theodore, Coralei and Dobby play together. Will walks down the steps with big grin.

"Daddy! Hi!" Coralei says as she hugs Will.

"Coralei, have fun with Papi, okay? I love you." Will says as he kisses Coralei.

"I wuv you!" Coralei says as she runs over to play.

"I'm getting ready to leave." Will says as he picks up Theodore.

"Are you sure you don't want Theodore to stay with me?" RJ asks Will as he kisses Will twice.

"I got him, babe. I'm going to take Theodore because he has been fussy on and off today and wants to eat a lot, so I'd rather him to go with me." Will says as he kisses RJ again.

"Bye, Dobby! Bye, Coralei! Have fun with Papi!" Will says as he waves before leaving.

Will buckles up Theodore in his car seat before getting in the front seat, driving the quick drive to Benji's elementary school.

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