Lyric Jay'Nae Crippin

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One Week Later........

Well still no baby and my doctor put me on bed rest cuz im starting to have really bad back pains and my feet hurt really bad. Craig has been taking care of me. Trey and Nae have been going on family days and stuff so that the twins could get to know him. I think Nae and Trey are starting to like eachother. I am so ready to have this baby. The closer i get to my due date the harder she kicks. If i keep having pain like this imma have them induce me. 

Craig's POV

Baby girl is due any day now. I wish she could come already. Not only cuz i wanna see her but cuz i hate seeing Moi in this pain. You can just look at her and tell she's in Pain. Im doing as much as i can to help her. I just wish i could take the pain away. She's been getting sick ALOT. The doctors say its because of the meds they put her on but the dumb fucks wont take her off of it. But since she keeps on getting sick its making her lose weight. And we dont want it to hurt the baby. So i make her food when ever i get a chance. 

Right now Im in the living room watching tv. Keshaun is over at Tanya's and Bre went off with Nae and the girls. I heard Moi all the way from up stairs. 

Moi- Fuck!!!

I got and ran upstairs as fast as i could. I walked in and she was pacing the room. 

Me- Babe your supposed to be laying down!

Moi- They say it will ake the pain aw- Owww!!!

Me- Baby sit down. 

She sat on the bed. I propped her feet up and started rubbing them. 

Me- Babe look how swollen your feet are. This is why your supposed to lay down. 

Moi- I kn- Shit!!!

I started talking to her about the new house and stuff like that to take her mind off the pain. While i was talking to her she would sqwint (Dont know how to spell that) her eyes in pain. I started timeing them while we were talking. About now they were like 2 minutes apart. 

Me- Babe i think your going into labor. 

Moi- How?

Me- Your contractions are like 2 minutes apart. 

She looked down then looked at me with a scared look on her face. 

Me- What?

Moi- I think my water just broke. 

Me- *Jumps up* Okay ill get your bag. Where is it?

Moi- Baby calm down the bag is right there. Just get me to the hospital. 

I grabbed the bag and we got in the car. 

Me- Do me to call any one?

Moi- *Taking deep breaths* No just wait. 

Me- Hang in there babe. *Holds her hand.* 

At the hospital. 

Nurse- Okay Samoiyah lets go. 

We started towards the back. Once they got her in the room they put her on the bed and check her. They said she was Dialated 6. So we had to wait. Right now i was sitting next to her holding her hand. 

Me- Babe you want me to call Nae?

Moi- Yes. 

Nae and the girls were at Trey's. 

Nae- Wassup?

Me- Um can you come to the hospital?

Nae- Why? Is she in labor?!!

Me- Yes. But dont bring the kids up here yet. 

Nae- I'll haqve Trey watch em. Im on my way. 

She hung up and i walked back into the room. Moi was crying. I went over and held her. 

Me- You okay baby?

Moi- *Crying* No. It hurts. 

Me- Want me to get the doctor?

Moi- Please?

I went and got the doctor. They gave her an epedural. After that she eased up a little. Just the look in her eyes were nothing but pain. It hurt me just to look at her. Then Nae ran in and hugged Moi. 

Nae- You okay?

Moi- Now i am. 

Nae- How far are you?

Moi- Last time they checked i was 6.

DR- I need to check again. 

After a little bit. 

DR- Ready to have a baby?

Moi- Oh god. Craig come here. 

The doctor propped up her legs and told us the baby was breached. Moi got scared and started crying. I really didnt know what was going on but i knew it wasnt right. After a little bit they got the baby to turn. We were releaved. He told her to push. When she did i didnt think this small of a girl had so much stregnth. The doctor said he could see her head and that she had alotta hair. I wanted to look but Moi told me not to cuz she didnt want me to pass out. After 3 more pushes. 

April 16. Lyric Jay'Nae Crippin was born. 5lbs 6oz. 

They handed her to me. I was the first one to hold her. My baby girl was so beautiful. She had so much hair and had her momma's eyes. 

Moi- Lemme see her. 

I walked over and handed her to Moi. 

Moi- *Rubbing her hand* Awe my poor baby.

Me- Why you say that?

Moi- She has your ears. 

Me- -_- Thats mean. 

Moi- Its true. 

Nae walks in. 

Nae- Lemme see my neice. 

Moi handed Lyric to her. 

Nae- What did you name her?

Me- Lyric Jay'Nae Crippin. 

Nae- Awe you named her after me?

Moi- Yup. 

Me- Were are the kids?

Nae- Out there in the hall. 

I walked out there and Got the kids. Keshaun and Bre walked over to se the baby. We took pictures and all that good stuff. After everyone left and Nae took the kids home it was just me Moi and the baby. 

Moi- Damn we make pretty babies. 

Me- Well if she looks anything like you we aint lettin her go no where. 

Moi- What ever. Our family is complete now. 

Me- Not exactly. 

Moi- Why?

Me- The only thing that will make it complete is if you marry me.


I was gonna make this the end but if i get 15 or more comments i will make another chapter but thats only if i get 15 or more. So COMMENT!!!!

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