Addicted To The Hustle.

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Craig's POV (<------ New Huh??)

After she said that i left. She was right. A while back b4 she had Keshaun We got into a fight and i pushed her. When i did she fell and b4 i knew it she was bleeding really bad. I took her to the hospital and they told us that she was 1 month pregnant and lost the baby. Even though we didnt know at the time that she was pregnant it still hurt. To be honest i dont even know why she's still with me. I mean ive put her through so much and yet she still staying with me. I dont know what i would do without her. She's been my Ride or Die for forever. Even we fought she still stuck by me. If it wasnt for her Geo and Bre i dont know where i would be right now. I dont even wanna think of where i'd be if i didnt have them i mean they are the reason im staying out of trouble. They the reason i wake up in the morning. I just get so mad cuz i have no clue what id do if i lost her. I'd be lost with out her.

I called my homie Pooky and told him i was gonna stop by. I needed to calm my nerves. When i got there i knocked on the door and was greated by this girl that had on a bra and a lace thong. Usually i would be turned on by this but she looked sick. She looked like a crack head. 

Me- Is Pooky hear? 

??- Yeah he back here. 

We started walkin back into the house. It smelt like sex, weed, and beer. As we got further into the house the smell got stronger. We finally got to the room where Pooky was. The girl went into a different room. Pooky got up and gave me a hug (Their guy thing Idfk.....) 

Pook- Damn i aint seen you in a minute dawg. 

Me- Yeah. 

We sat down on the couch. On the couch beside the one we were on My other homie Din Din was sittin with a girl sittin on his lap. She had on the same thing as the other girl. But she was snortin some shit. And he looked like he was finna fall out. 

Pook- So where you been at?

Me- I go tlocked up for a while.

Pook- Word? *Passes me a blunt* 

Me- *Takes two hits* Yeah for 5 years.

Pook- Damn!

[A/N: They pass the blunt as they talk]

Pook- You still talk to ol girl?

Me- Who?

Pook- Yah Yah.

Me- Oh. Yeah. 

Pook- She still got it? Cuz i know that girl was just....Damn. 

Me- Aye man thats mah baby momma.

Pook- Word dawg? My bad. But back in the day all the niqqas on that block wanted that. 

Me- Well its mine now.

They laugh.

Pook- So you wanna go out and make some money?

Me- Hell ya.

We went out to his car and drove down to a house that i knew too well. It was my dads house.

Me- My pops still stay here?

Pook- Oh you didnt hear?

Me- Naw.

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