A Shade Cooler! Kailey Disney (AU!Oc Profile)

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Disclaimer: Like the previous profile, I do NOT own A Shade Cooler. The story belongs to mikedirntsfrootloops . The only thing I do own is this AU!Oc. Also, keep note that this will have a high chance to be updated as the story progresses. With that said, I hope you enjoy!
"Not everyone sees the world as pure like you, Eb."

Name: Kailey Daniella Disney.

Nickname: Orphan girl (Tré calls her that and she gets very annoyed by it)

Age: 15 (She's like Eb but she uses her looks to distract her victims)

Species: Human

Abilities: None

Occupation: Assassin

Status: Single (Not interested)

D.O.B: October 27, 2002 (Gee, I wonder why her birthday is near Eb's? ;) )

Hobbies: Preforming assassinations (If  necessary), stealing, disguising herself, and getting away.

Backstory: Raised by a assassin, Kailey lived her life by taking what she can and pleasing her father. She never knew her mother but her father gave her a locket, containing a picture of her mother. One day, she disguised her as a man and stowaway on a ship that belonged to a certain someone (That's also my crush). Things went according to plan until the Captain caught her. Luckily, she was able to escape with her life. Unfortunately, He was able to grab some very valuable of hers. The only way that kailey got it back was through a deal.

What she is seen doing most of the time: Watching the sky, out into town stealing/buying items or food, with 'him', or doing her job as a assassin.

Friends/Allies: Tré(?), Venezuela

Enemies: None.

Opinion on Tré: "I guess he's okay. As long as he doesn't do anything 'funny', I'm fine."

Fun Fact: Sometimes, Tré attempts to suck Kailey's blood but it always resulted by either getting his butt kicked by her or Venezuela coming in and stopping it.

Opinion on Mike: "You mean the vampire king Tré told me about? I dunno. He's okay, too? Why are you asking me this if I haven't met him?"

Opinion on Ashley: "I only heard that name from the village. The 'queen', some people put it."

Opinion on Billie: "I haven't heard anything about him other than that he's a prince."

Opinion on Lenore: "Don't know anyone with that name."

Opinion on Venezuela: "Finally, the only person here that I actually like! Yeah, she's great. Strong, determined. I can learn a thing or two from her."

Fun Fact: Kailey considers Venezuela to be a mother figure to her although she doesn't admit it.

Opinion on Eb: " . . . . . . . Who?"

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