A Shade Darker/Lighter! Eb Disney (AU!Oc Profile)

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Disclaimer: The Stories that the AU OC fits into are NOT mine. I only own the oc. A Shade Darker and A Shade Lighter belongs to mikedirntsfrootloops . With that said, I hope you enjoy.
"Why live our lives in silence when we can spice it up with music?"

Name: Ebenezer Daniel Disney

Nickname: Eb

Age: He's 15 although he's mistaken for 16 or 17.

D.O.B: October 22, 2002.

Occupation: Musician

Status: Single (Looking to mingle)

Species: Human

Hobbies: Playing guitar and drawing. (He draws his friends as RWBY characters)

Favorite Anime: RWBY

What he's seen doing most of the time: Doing homework, out singing in the forest, hanging out with mike, billie, or ash, babysitting snow, or pranking mike in his sleep.

Abilities: Marionette's Melody

Ability Explanation: Marionette's melody is a ability where Eb can make anyone whoever listens to it, feel the same emotions him. The only way it works is if he feels the same emotion as the song. As he used it, he found out that it only works with humans. (Before you ask mikedirntsfrootloops , Yes. The spell does affect Billie)

Origin of Ability: Eb got this ability after singing at the backyard, one night. As he was singing he could see something bright and white in the forest. He decided to follow it. The last thing he could remember is seeing the white figure up close before he passed out. His mom found him at the same place where he passed out, the next day. He found out about this strange ability after seeing his drama teacher going from stressed out to happy after Eb sang a song. He called it marionette's melody, seeing that he change people's emotions to his own.

Fun Fact: Although Ashley can't fall under marionette's melody, She can feel the melody. That's how she can find where Eb is at in the forest.

Another Fun Fact: Whenever Eb wants to sing with his emotions, he goes into the forest so that way, Billie won't be affected.

Fun Fact #3: The only time that Eb has used marionette's melody at the castle is when he lulls snow to sleep. He found out that he could when he heard snow's cries has stopped after he was singing 'Here comes a thought' by Steven Universe, nearby snow's room. We went to her room to see that she slumbered and well, she wasn't the only one that fell asleep. To this day, Eb is still confused on how marionette's melody affected the young infant.

Friends/Allies: Mike, Ashley, Billie, and Lenore.

Enemies: None.

Backstory: Eb was born and raised by his mom and lived near the forest where mike lives. Eb was just like every ordinary teen until one day as he was at the woods. He was singing with his emotions, using marionette's melody. Little did he know about the encounter he soon had with a certain someone (COUGHSMIKECOUGHS). After that, his life was never the same.

Opinion on Mike: "Oh . Mike? He's a really cool guy! Sure we had bumps on the road, especially with his relationship with ash. However, he was able to pull through with her. So yeah. I usually hang out with him on weekends or whenever I get to his place after homework. The only problem I have with him is how do I explain to a vampire on what a phone, internet, and anime to him? Seriously, how long was he locked away from the world?!"

Opinion on Ashley: "If anything, ash is like yang. You don't want to mess with her. She's strong, determined, and isn't afraid to take a stand for what she believes in. That's what I like about her. Even though she's a pain in the back for mike sometimes and guess who he goes to whine about? Me. Other than that, she's a awesome friend. So in short, she's sweet but don't let her looks fool you. She can kick some serious a**.

Opinion on Billie: "It was around the time when he was a threat to ash and mike when I met him. So yeah, I didn't like Billie at all. But when he redeemed himself, I wasn't sure to trust him. But then I remembered 'Antman.' Paul was a thief but he wanted to redeemed myself to show his daughter that he can be the hero she know that he is. And that's what he did. It also showed me that anyone can have a shot at redemption. It's just up to the person if they want to take it or not. So basically, Billie was Paul Rudd A.K.A Antman! So I gave him a chance at redemption and he took it. So yeah, we're friends now. He's pretty rad."

Opinion on Lenore: "Hmm . . . I don't talk to her much but when I do, she's really sweet and nice. I wish I can get to know her more."

Opinion on Tré: " . . . . . Who?"

(Update 10/6/17)

Opinion on Venezuela: "I have no idea who that person is but her name sounds awesome. Is she like ash?"

Fun Fact #4: Eb calls Ashley, 'Ash'. Just because he likes the sound of it. NOT because it's the same name from a Pokémon trainer. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Okay, maybe.

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