A Shade Darker/Lighter!Eb (Q and A)

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"Sup, guys! So I heard that some of you guys want to know more about me. That's cool! I really wanna interact with you guys! If you wanna drop in a question or I dunno, a dare? Leave it in the comment section below. With that said. Let's get started!"
Q: What's your favorite thing about mike?

A: "My favorite thing about him? Huh. I never really thought about that. I think it would be his loyalty. He'll always be there for you."

Q: What's your least favorite thing about him?

A: "THE DUDE WHINES TOO MUCH!!! Seriously!  Whenever he and ash get into a argument, he goes to me and complains about it. I mean, I get it that she pushes his buttons and he needs someone to talk to. I get that. But it's always, 'Ashley, this. Ashley, that!' It gets very annoying, very easily."

Q: What's your favorite or least favorite thing about Ashley?

A: "Well, I answered the least favorite part in the last question. As for my favorite thing about her. Without a doubt, it would be her determination and persistence. She isn't someone you wanna mess with."

Q: What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Billie?

A: "Hmm, I'm not really sure about the favorite part yet. I'm still getting to know about the guy. As for least favorite, I guess it would be the part where he tried to bring harm to mike and ash. But that's in the past, now. So yeah, pretty much."

Q: Eb, I've heard you draw your friends as RWBY characters. Who do you pair each one with?

A: "Well, I don't really? I usually go with some of the shippings. For ash and mike, blacksun. And for Billie and Lenore, Qrowin! To be for specific, I draw ash as Blake, mike as sun, Billie as Qrow, and Lenore as winter."

Q: Did any of your friends catch you drawing them as those characters?

A: "Eh . . . Yes. Ash saw me while I was listening to like morning follows night. Also, IT WAS ONE TIME!!"

Q: Did you teach mike how to dab? XD

A: "Tried but he didn't know what the heck was he even doing."

Q: What's your favorite song?


Q: What bands do you listen to?

A: "All time low, my chemical romance, Panic! At the disco, fall out boy, set it off, frank Iero and the patience/celebration, electric country, and 21 Pilots."

Q: What was your first thoughts about mike being a vampire?

A: "Well. To be honest, it was a mix of shock and surprise. Shocked that I was able to meet one. Surprised that I'd meet one. That plus it was really cool meeting someone that isn't human."

Q: Describe each of your friends as RWBY songs.

A: "Okay, I think Billie would be bad luck charm. Next, Ash would be I burn. I dunno about Lenore. Lastly, Mike would be sacrifice or divide . . . ?"

Q: Okay, now describe their RELATIONSHIPS as RWBY songs.

A: "Ooh! Okay! Lenore's perspective of Billie would be not fall in love with you. Billie's perspective of Lenore would be . . . Pfft. Bmblb! Ash's and Mike's perspective of eachother would be like morning follows night."

Q: If you were able to switch bodies with anyone of your friends, who would it be and why?

A: "Hmm . . . . Mike because it would be awesome to be a vampire! I'd get to fly and all that jazz."

Q: If mike asks you what anime is, what would you say?

A: "Mike, you came to the right place.", Eb smirks, holding out DVDs of Rwby vol 1-4 and blue exorcist. "Prepare for the feels train!"

Q: What RWBY song would you describe yourself?

A: 🎶"I'm cool like the rain and I'm hot like the sun. I'm a neon rainbow and you're no fun!"🎶

Q: What's your favorite color?

A: "Blue."

Q: What's your favorite RWBY song?

A: "CFVY. That song is so cool!"

Q: Who's your favorite RWBY character?

A: "Ooh! Qrow. That guy is awesome!"

Q: Which female RWBY character would you date?

A: "Coco or yang. Now, those are fine girls."

Q: How did you discover RWBY?

A: "When you're bored on Netflix, you'd watch anything."

Q: What do you and mike do on your spare time?

A: "We usually chat and sing a couple of songs to mike. When Billie isn't around, of course."

"So that's all the time I got. I hope this helps you learn more about me. Again, If you have any questions you wanna ask me, feel free to drop one in the comment section. I gotta go, now. I'm gonna teach mike a RWBY song! Wish me luck!"


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