Strange Friendship ( Eb Disney + Werewolf!Tre Cool)

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Hey guys. Before we start, I just wanted to verify that this imagine is NOT A BOY x BOY SHIPPING. The reason why I don't write yaoi mainly so I won't get in trouble. With that said, I hope you enjoy the fanfic.

                   "I'M GOING GET YOU FOR THIS, JACK! I SWEAR!!!!", I yelled as I ran through the forest. I turned around as I saw a wolf, catching up to me. I jumped over the roots so I won't trip. Why did my brother dare me to do this?
                    "Okay, Jack. What is this time?", My brother, Jack Frost called me to meet up at the entrance to a forest. From the smirk on his face, I could tell that he was up to something.
                    "Come on, Eb. Can I have quality time with my little brother?", he said, trying to sound innocent.
                    "In the middle of the night, Jack?", I said.
                    "What?", He said.
                    "Just cut to the chase.", I really want to get this over with.
                    "Okay. If you insist. Eb, I dare you to walk in the forest, alone."
                    "Seriously?", I looked at him, confused.
                    "What? You're not scared, are you?", he asked.
                    "No. It's just, why the forest?", I asked.
                    "There are some rumors that these forests are a territory for werewolves.", He explained.
                    "So you basically want me to go into werewolf territory in the middle of the night. Not to mention, that it's a full moon."
                    "Uhh . . . ", Jack looked at me with a poker face.
                    "You didn't think I'd notice?", I asked in a obvious tone.
                    "STOP BEING TWO STEPS AHEAD OF ME!!", he yelled. I looked at him like 'seriously?'.
"So are you going or not?", He asked. I looked to the forest. I have my powers so I should be fine.
"Fine. This better be the last one, jack!", I said. Jack punched the air, in victory.
"Last one. I promise.", Jack grabbed me by the back of my shirt and we flew into the forest.
"Good luck.", He dropped me off and left. Now that I'm all by myself, I should venture through the forest. I started to take a look around. I brought my 'Mad T Party' jacket to keep me warm. The first couple of minutes, I had no sightings of werewolves or evidence. I started to think that jack made up the 'werewolf territory rumor' to interest me.
                    "Hello! I'm getting bored here!", I yelled.
                    "Jack, if nothing happens in this forest tonight, I'm going to duck-tape your mouth, I swear.", I mutter. As I walk deeper into the forest, I start to see claw marks, craved into trees.
                    "Whoa.", I said in awe as I touched a huge claw mark on a tree. Maybe, my brother wasn't lying about the rumor after all. A werewolf howl jolted me up to stand.
                   "Geez, must be some sound system.", I said to myself. I continued strolling thru the forest. Okay, now I'm starting to think that I'm not alone here. I keep my guard up incase anything bad happens. I started to hear shuffling in the bushes, near me.
                  "Oh god.", I summoned my dagger with my magic and started to slowly walk towards the bushes. I ran in and a critter jumped out of the bushes.
                 "Oh. It's just a small animal.", I took a sigh of relief. I continued walking until my body froze in fear. I heard another werewolf howl. This time, it was coming from behind me.
                "Oh shizz.", I slowly turned around to see a werewolf, three feet away from me.
                "Hey there! You know, I'm just going to go and-.", I made a run for it. Okay, so the rumor was true. I turned around and saw that the wolf was chasing me.
                "OH COME ON!!!", I yelled. I tried to call someone for help but there was no signal.
                "I'M GOING TO GET YOU FOR THIS JACK, I SWEAR!!!", I yelled as a werewolf was chasing me.
                              ~Flashback End~
                  So as you can see now, I'm still being chased by a werewolf. I looked at the beast. If I don't catch up in the next ten minutes, he'll get me. Due to be being stuck in my thoughts, I tripped over a tree root and fell.
                  "Crud.", I said, rubbing my head. Next thing I know, I'm face-to-face with the creature. I screamed and jolted away.
                  "H. . Hey there. P. . Please don't hurt me.", I said. It started poking my jacket pocket so I raised my hands up, not wanting to fight. It pulled the bag of Doritos cool ranch out of my jacket.
"Wat?", I said as I watched dumbfounded, as he was eating my doritos and half of the bag. I realized that he was distracted and I slowly and quietly, slipped away. After the first couple steps out to freedom, I felt something nuzzling my leg.
"Darn it!", I said as I knew what was going on. It wanted me to be with it. Come on Eb, ignore it.
But as took another step, it started whining.
"Look, I can't keep you. I-.", I was cut off by turning around and seeing the cutest pout face I ever seen.
"G-Goddarnit.", I said as my face turned light pink. It isn't going to leave me alone, isn't it?
                   "Fine.", I said, in defeat. The next thing I know, I'm pushed to the ground and my face was getting licked.
"Hey! Stop it!", I said, cheerful. I pushed him off and spitted off the DNA that was getting into my mouth. It rested its head on my legs. I looked outside, seeing that it's still dark.
"Eh, why not?", I thought to myself. I opened a portal to my apartment and we went in. I crashed on the couch.
"Geez, I didn't how tired I was.", I thought. The wolf laid down next to me and I drifted off to sleep.
~The Next Day~
I woke up to see a blur of blue. My vision was cleared and I saw a guy with blue, spiky hair.
"Hi." I basically screamed and hit my head against his.
"Who are you?! How did you get in my house?!", I yelled.
                     "You invited me here, silly.", he responded. I looked at him confused until it hit me. He's the werewolf that I met last night.
                     "Oh. So uh . . . Now that you're human, can you tell me who you are?", I asked.
                      "I'm Tre.", he flashed a smile at me.
                      "So now that we have the introduction out of the way, do you have some clothes I can borrow?"
          So what do you guys think? How will this strange friendship play out? Or most importantly, how is jack going to react? Find out next time.
                                        Rage and Love,
                                                             Diamond Punk

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